require 'cgi' # We abuse Homebrew's download strategies considerably here. # * Our downloader instances only invoke the fetch and # clear_cache methods, ignoring stage # * Our overridden fetch methods are expected to return # a value: the successfully downloaded file. class Hbc::AbstractDownloadStrategy attr_reader :cask, :name, :url, :uri_object, :version def initialize(cask, command=Hbc::SystemCommand) @cask = cask @command = command # todo this excess of attributes is a function of integrating # with Homebrew's classes. Later we should be able to remove # these in favor of @cask @name = cask.token @url = cask.url.to_s @uri_object = cask.url @version = cask.version end # All download strategies are expected to implement these methods def fetch; end def cached_location; end def clear_cache; end end require 'vendor/homebrew-fork/download_strategy' class Hbc::CurlDownloadStrategy < Hbc::HbCurlDownloadStrategy def _fetch odebug "Calling curl with args #{curl_args.utf8_inspect}" curl(*curl_args) end def fetch super tarball_path end private def curl_args default_curl_args.tap do |args| args.concat(user_agent_args) args.concat(cookies_args) args.concat(referer_args) end end def default_curl_args [url, '-C', downloaded_size, '-o', temporary_path] end def user_agent_args if uri_object.user_agent ['-A', uri_object.user_agent] else [] end end def cookies_args if uri_object.cookies [ '-b', # sort_by is for predictability between Ruby versions uri_object.cookies.sort_by{ |key, value| key.to_s }.map do |key, value| "#{CGI.escape(key.to_s)}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" end.join(';') ] else [] end end def referer_args if uri_object.referer ['-e', uri_object.referer] else [] end end end class Hbc::CurlPostDownloadStrategy < Hbc::CurlDownloadStrategy def curl_args super default_curl_args.concat(post_args) end def post_args if # sort_by is for predictability between Ruby versions{ |key, value| key.to_s }.map do |key, value| ['-d', "#{CGI.escape(key.to_s)}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}"] end.flatten() else ['-X', 'POST'] end end end class Hbc::SubversionDownloadStrategy < Hbc::HbSubversionDownloadStrategy # super does not provide checks for already-existing downloads def fetch if tarball_path.exist? puts "Already downloaded: #{tarball_path}" else super compress end tarball_path end # This primary reason for redefining this method is the trust_cert # option, controllable from the Cask definition. We also force # consistent timestamps. The rest of this method is similar to # Homebrew's, but translated to local idiom. def fetch_repo target, url, revision=uri_object.revision, ignore_externals=false # Use "svn up" when the repository already exists locally. # This saves on bandwidth and will have a similar effect to verifying the # cache as it will make any changes to get the right revision. svncommand = ? 'up' : 'checkout' args = [svncommand] # SVN shipped with XCode 3.1.4 can't force a checkout. args << '--force' unless MacOS.release == :leopard # make timestamps consistent for checksumming args.concat(%w[--config-option config:miscellany:use-commit-times=yes]) if uri_object.trust_cert args << '--trust-server-cert' args << '--non-interactive' end args << url unless args << target args << '-r' << revision if revision args << '--ignore-externals' if ignore_externals!('/usr/bin/svn', :args => args, :print_stderr => false) end def tarball_path @tarball_path ||= cached_location.dirname.join(cached_location.basename.to_s + "-#{@cask.version}.tar") end private # TODO/UPDATE: the tar approach explained below is fragile # against challenges such as case-sensitive filesystems, # and must be re-implemented. # # Seems nutty: we "download" the contents into a tape archive. # Why? # * A single file is tractable to the rest of the Cask toolchain, # * An alternative would be to create a Directory container type. # However, some type of file-serialization trick would still be # needed in order to enable calculating a single checksum over # a directory. So, in that alternative implementation, the # special cases would propagate outside this class, including # the use of tar or equivalent. # * SubversionDownloadStrategy.cached_location is not versioned # * tarball_path provides a needed return value for our overridden # fetch method. # * We can also take this private opportunity to strip files from # the download which are protocol-specific. def compress Dir.chdir(cached_location) do!('/usr/bin/tar', :args => ['-s/^\.//', '--exclude', '.svn', '-cf',, '--', '.'], :print_stderr => false) end clear_cache end end