cask 'android-ndk' do version '17' sha256 '0ccd8fbbd987932f846c76a1a0c8402925461feb161ead353339c508ab3bf1f5' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version}" name 'Android NDK' homepage '' conflicts_with cask: 'crystax-ndk' # shim script ( shimscript = "#{staged_path}/" preflight do FileUtils.ln_sf("#{staged_path}/android-ndk-r#{version}", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/android-ndk") IO.write shimscript, <<~EOS #!/bin/bash readonly executable="#{staged_path}/android-ndk-r#{version}/$(basename ${0})" test -f "${executable}" && exec "${executable}" "${@}" EOS end [ 'ndk-build', 'ndk-depends', 'ndk-gdb', 'ndk-stack', 'ndk-which', ].each { |link_name| binary shimscript, target: link_name } uninstall_postflight do FileUtils.rm("#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/android-ndk") end caveats <<~EOS You may want to add to your profile: 'export ANDROID_NDK_HOME="#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/android-ndk"' EOS end