cask :v1 => 'hear' do version '1.2.1' sha256 '6acd179b108283a51debac3c6a4f7cf20220d4129a702ce702f06cc7e2884649' # is the official download host per the vendor homepage url "{version}.dmg" appcast '', :sha256 => '48edc9b03ce5d9709b27fb5099dc3cce25cc8920656b9cdb9a066ae7999c8d9d' name 'Hear' homepage '' license :unknown # todo: change license and remove this comment; ':unknown' is a machine-generated placeholder app '' # todo: an uninstall stanza should be provided, and this message removed caveats <<-EOS.undent To uninstall, open and choose the menu item "Hear > Uninstall" EOS end