cask 'axoloti' do version '1.0.12-2' sha256 '7b0c1231d695dd0ff1d07f679713a1d5691a6fac3543b0aa0415356c5cc82a9c' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version}/axoloti-mac-#{version}.dmg" appcast '', checkpoint: '448924453923cd34c05f2005ea556c447d609b96ef9ecb35d2038d450f2e1cea' name 'Axoloti Core' homepage '' depends_on cask: 'axoloti-runtime' app '' caveats do depends_on_java '8' <<~EOS If you ever decide to uninstall #{token}, it is likely its runtime will no longer be of use to you. If that’s the case, uninstall it with: brew cask uninstall axoloti-runtime EOS end end