#!/bin/bash # # list_ids_in_app # ### ### settings ### set -e # exit on any uncaught error set +o histexpand # don't expand history expressions shopt -s nocasematch # case-insensitive regular expressions ### ### global variables ### appdir='' scriptdir="$(dirname "$0")" # prefer GNU xargs xargs="$(/usr/bin/which gxargs || printf '/usr/bin/xargs')" ### ### functions ### bundle_id_source_1 () { /usr/bin/find "$appdir" -name Info.plist -print0 | \ "$xargs" -0 -I {} /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy {} -c 'Print :CFBundleIdentifier' } merge_sources () { /usr/bin/sort | /usr/bin/uniq } clean_sources () { /usr/bin/egrep -v '^com\.apple\.' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^org\.andymatuschak\.Sparkle' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^(SDL|SDL_net|TDParseKit)$' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.growl\.(growlframework|WebKit|iCal|GrowlAction|GrowlLauncher|GrowlPlugins)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.adobe\.(ACE|AGM|AXE8SharedExpat|AdobeExtendScript|AdobeScCore|AdobeXMPCore|BIB|BIBUtils|CoolType|ESD\.AdobeUpdaterLibFramework|JP2K|adobe_caps|AcrobatPlugin|AdobeResourceSynchronizer|ICUConverter|ICUData|acrobat\.assert|acrobat\.pdfviewerNPAPI|adobepdf417pmp|ahclientframework|datamatrixpmp|eulaframework|framework|linguistic|qrcodepmp)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.microsoft\.(Automator|certificate\.framework|chart|converterlib|converters|excel\.pde|grammar|igx|mcp|merp|msls3|netlib|officeart|ole|oleo|powerplant|powerplantcore|powerpoint\.pde|speller|thesaurus|urlmon|wizard|wordforms|MSCommon|mbuinstrument_framework|mbukernel_framework|rdpkit)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.google\.(Chrome\.framework|Chrome\.helper|Keystone|BreakpadFramework|GDataFramework|Reporter)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^atmo\.mac\.macho' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.Breakpad\.crash_report_sender' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.Cycling74\.driver\.Soundflower' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.HumbleDaisy\.HDCrashReporter' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.amazon\.JSONKit' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.bensyverson\..*dvmatte' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.binarymethod\.BGHUDAppKit' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.blacktree\.(QSCore|QSEffects|QSFoundation|QSInterface)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.brandonwalkin\.BWToolkitFramework' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.cruzapp\.TDWebThumbnail' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.cycling74\.QTExportTool' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.fluidapp\.(BrowserBrowserPlugIn|FluidInstance|ThumbnailPlugIn)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.github\.(Electron\.framework|ObjectiveGit|Squirrel)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.heroku\.RedisAdapter' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.instinctivecode\.MGScopeBar' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.intel\.nw\.helper' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.joshaber\.RockemSockem' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.katidev\.KTUIKit' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.kirin\.plugin\.adapter' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.lextek\.onix' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.macromedia\.(Flash Player\.authplaylib|PepperFlashPlayer)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.mainconcept\.mc\.enc\.avc' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.netscape\.(DefaultPlugin|MRJPlugin)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.nxtbgthng\.JSONKit' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.omnigroup\.(OmniAppKit|OmniInspector|framework)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.oracle\.java\..*\.jdk' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.panic\.(PanicCore|automator|CodaScriptPlugIn)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.pixelespresso\.cocoafob' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.positivespinmedia\.(PSMTabBarControlFramework|PSMTabBarFramework)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.softube\.(Amplifier|Cabinet)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.sonic\.(AS_Storage|AuthorScriptHDMV)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.soundcloud\.Share-on-SoundCloud' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.stuffit\.(format|sdk|stuffitcore)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.sun\.Scintilla' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^com\.yourcompany' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^coop\.plausible\.(CrashReporter|PLWeakCompatibility)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^de\.buzzworks\.Quincy' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^de\.dstoecker\.xadmaster' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^isao\.sonobe\.OgreKit' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^jp\.hmdt\.framework\.hmdtblkappkit' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^net\.hockeyapp\.sdk\.mac' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^net\.java\.openjdk\.jre' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^net\.liquidx\.EyeTunes' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^net\.sourceforge\.Log4Cocoa' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^net\.sourceforge\.munt\.MT32Emu' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^net\.sourceforge\.skim-app\.framework' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^net\.wafflesoftware\.ShortcutRecorder\.framework' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^org\.AFNetworking\.AFNetworking' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^org\.boredzo\.(LMX|ISO8601DateFormatter)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^org\.cocoapods\.' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^org\.dribin\.dave\.DDHidLib' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^org\.linkbackproject\.LinkBack' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^org\.mantle\.Mantle' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^org\.mozilla\.(crashreporter|plugincontainer|universalchardet|updater)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^org\.python\.(python|PythonLauncher|buildapplet)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^org\.qt-project\.Qt' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^org\.reactivecocoa\.ReactiveCocoa' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^org\.remotesensing\.libtiff' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^org\.vafer\.FeedbackReporter' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^org\.xiph\.(ogg|vorbis)' | \ /usr/bin/egrep -vi '^se\.propellerheads\..*\.library$' } mark_up_sources () { /usr/bin/perl -pe 's{\n}{\000}sg' | \ "$xargs" -0 -I{} -n1 /bin/bash -c \ "printf '{}'; $scriptdir/list_running_app_ids -t '{}' >/dev/null 2>&1 && printf ' (+)'; printf "\\\\n"" } ### ### main ### _list_ids_in_app () { appdir="$1" if [[ -h "$appdir" ]]; then appdir="$(/usr/bin/readlink "$appdir")" fi { # emit strings that look like bundle ids bundle_id_source_1; } | \ clean_sources | \ merge_sources | \ mark_up_sources } # process args if [[ $1 =~ ^-+h(elp)?$ || -z "$1" ]]; then printf "list_ids_in_app Given a Application (app) bundle directory on disk, extract the associated app Bundle ID, which may be useful in a Cask uninstall stanza, eg uninstall quit: 'app.id.goes.here' The app need not be running for this script to work. Bundle IDs attributed to Apple and common developer frameworks are excluded from the output. If a given app is currently running, it will be followed by a plus symbol '(+)' in the output. This can be verified via the command list_running_app_ids | grep 'app.id.goes.here' See CONTRIBUTING.md for more information. " exit fi # dispatch main _list_ids_in_app "${@}" #