cask 'prey' do version '1.7.5' sha256 '87a13b50780bbead88f10fcf9da788464eda45855dccd7ae01bf4a215eec1de6' url "{version}/prey-mac-#{version}-x64.pkg" appcast '', checkpoint: '9af541fa6ce7a2bd11952b89e4ccead4300ceb668427ac71ce813b965c545b42' name 'Prey' homepage '' pkg "prey-mac-#{version}-x64.pkg" uninstall pkgutil: 'com.prey.agent', launchctl: 'com.prey.agent' caveats <<~EOS Prey requires your API key, found in the bottom-left corner of the Prey web account Settings page, to complete installation. The API key may be set as an environment variable as follows: HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_FILTERING=1 API_KEY="abcdef123456" brew cask install prey EOS end