module Hbc::Utils; end require 'yaml' require 'open3' require 'stringio' require 'hbc/utils/tty' UPDATE_CMD = "brew uninstall --force brew-cask; brew untap phinze/cask; brew update; brew cleanup; brew cask cleanup" ISSUES_URL = "" # todo: temporary Tty = Hbc::Utils::Tty # monkeypatch Object - not a great idea class Object def utf8_inspect if not defined?(Encoding) self.inspect else if self.respond_to?(:map) do |sub_elt| sub_elt.utf8_inspect end else self.inspect.force_encoding('UTF-8').sub(%r{\A"(.*)"\Z}, '\1') end end end end class Buffer < StringIO def initialize(tty = false) super() @tty = tty end def tty? @tty end end # global methods # originally from Homebrew def ohai(title, *sput) title = Tty.truncate(title) if $stdout.tty? && !Hbc.verbose puts "#{}==>#{Tty.reset.bold} #{title}#{Tty.reset}" puts sput unless sput.empty? end # originally from Homebrew def opoo(warning) $stderr.puts "#{Tty.yellow.underline}Warning#{Tty.reset}: #{warning}" end # originally from Homebrew def onoe(error) $stderr.puts "#{}Error#{Tty.reset}: #{error}" end def odebug(title, *sput) if Hbc.respond_to?(:debug) and Hbc.debug width = Tty.width * 4 - 6 if $stdout.tty? and title.to_s.length > width title = title.to_s[0, width - 3] + '...' end puts "#{Tty.magenta.bold}==>#{Tty.reset.bold} #{title}#{Tty.reset}" puts sput unless sput.empty? end end def puts_columns(items, star_items=[]) return if items.empty? puts Hbc::Utils.stringify_columns(items, star_items) end module Hbc::Utils def self.which(cmd, path=ENV['PATH']) unless File.basename(cmd) == cmd.to_s # cmd contains a directory element cmd_pn = Pathname(cmd) return nil unless cmd_pn.absolute? return resolve_executable(cmd_pn) end path.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |elt| fq_cmd = Pathname(elt).expand_path.join(cmd) resolved = resolve_executable fq_cmd return resolved if resolved end return nil end def self.resolve_executable(cmd) cmd_pn = Pathname(cmd) return nil unless cmd_pn.exist? return nil unless cmd_pn.executable? begin cmd_pn = Pathname(cmd_pn.realpath) rescue RuntimeError => e return nil end return nil unless cmd_pn.file? return cmd_pn end def self.exec_editor(*args) editor = [ *ENV.values_at('HOMEBREW_EDITOR', 'VISUAL', 'EDITOR'), *%w{mate edit vim /usr/bin/vim}.map{ |x| which(x) } ].compact.first.to_s exec(*editor.split.concat(args)) end # originally from Homebrew puts_columns def self.stringify_columns items, star_items=[] return if items.empty? if star_items && star_items.any? items ={|item| star_items.include?(item) ? "#{item}*" : item} end unless $stdout.tty? return items.join("\n").concat("\n") end # determine the best width to display for different console sizes console_width = `/bin/stty size 2>/dev/null`.chomp.split(' ').last.to_i console_width = 80 if console_width <= 0 longest = items.sort_by { |item| item.length }.last optimal_col_width = (console_width.to_f / (longest.length + 2).to_f).floor cols = optimal_col_width > 1 ? optimal_col_width : 1 Open3.popen3('/usr/bin/pr', "-#{cols}", '-t', "-w#{console_width}") do |stdin, stdout, stderr| stdin.puts(items) stdin.close end end # originally from Homebrew # children.length == 0 is slow to enumerate the whole directory just # to see if it is empty def self.rmdir_if_possible(dir) dirpath = Pathname(dir) begin dirpath.rmdir true rescue Errno::ENOTEMPTY if (ds_store = dirpath.join('.DS_Store')).exist? and dirpath.children.length == 1 ds_store.unlink retry else false end rescue Errno::EACCES, Errno::ENOENT false end end # originally from Homebrew abv def self.cabv(dir) output = '' count =!('/usr/bin/find', :args => [dir, *%w[-type f -not -name .DS_Store -print0]], :print_stderr => false).stdout.count("\000") size =!('/usr/bin/du', :args => ['-hs', '--', dir], :print_stderr => false).stdout.split("\t").first.strip output << "#{count} files, " if count > 1 output << size end # paths that "look" descendant (textually) will still # return false unless both the given paths exist def self.file_is_descendant(file, dir) file = dir = return false unless file.exist? and dir.exist? unless onoe "Argument must be a directory: '#{dir}'" return false end unless file.absolute? and dir.absolute? onoe "Both arguments must be absolute: '#{file}', '#{dir}'" return false end while file.parent != file return true if File.identical?(file, dir) file = file.parent end return false end def self.error_message_with_suggestions <<-EOS.undent #{ Tty.reset.bold } Most likely, this means you have an outdated version of homebrew-cask.#{ } Please run: #{ }#{ UPDATE_CMD } #{ Tty.reset.bold }If this doesn’t fix the problem, please report this bug: #{ Tty.underline }#{ ISSUES_URL }#{ Tty.reset } EOS end def self.method_missing_message(method, token, section=nil) poo = [] poo << "Unexpected method '#{method}' called" poo << "during #{section}" if section poo << "on Cask #{token}." opoo(poo.join(' ') + "\n" + error_message_with_suggestions) end # originally from Homebrew def self.ignore_interrupts(opt = nil) std_trap = trap('INT') do puts 'One sec, just cleaning up' unless opt == :quietly end yield ensure trap('INT', std_trap) end def self.nowstamp_metadata_path(container_path) @timenow ||= if container_path.respond_to?(:join) precision = 3 timestamp = @timenow.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') fraction = ("%.#{precision}f" % (@timenow.to_f - @timenow.to_i))[1..-1] timestamp.concat(fraction) container_path.join(timestamp) end end def self.size_in_bytes(files) Array(files).reduce(0) { |t, f| t + (File.size?(f) || 0) } end # originally from Homebrew def self.disk_usage_readable(size_in_bytes) if size_in_bytes >= 1_073_741_824 size = size_in_bytes.to_f / 1_073_741_824 unit = "G" elsif size_in_bytes >= 1_048_576 size = size_in_bytes.to_f / 1_048_576 unit = "M" elsif size_in_bytes >= 1_024 size = size_in_bytes.to_f / 1_024 unit = "K" else size = size_in_bytes unit = "B" end # avoid trailing zero after decimal point if (size * 10).to_i % 10 == 0 "#{size.to_i}#{unit}" else "#{"%.1f" % size}#{unit}" end end # originally from Homebrew def self.number_readable(number) numstr = number.to_i.to_s (numstr.size - 3).step(1, -3) { |i| numstr.insert(i, ",") } numstr end # originally from Homebrew def self.install_gem_setup_path!(gem_name, version = nil, executable = gem_name) require "rubygems" ENV["PATH"] = "#{Gem.user_dir}/bin:#{ENV["PATH"]}" if Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name(gem_name, version).empty? ohai "Installing or updating '#{gem_name}' gem" install_args = %W[--no-ri --no-rdoc --user-install #{gem_name}] install_args << "--version" << version if version # Do `gem install [...]` without having to spawn a separate process or # having to find the right `gem` binary for the running Ruby interpreter. require "rubygems/commands/install_command" install_cmd = install_cmd.handle_options(install_args) exit_code = 1 # Should not matter as `install_cmd.execute` always throws. begin install_cmd.execute rescue Gem::SystemExitException => e exit_code = e.exit_code end raise"Failed to install/update the '#{gem_name}' gem.") if exit_code != 0 end unless which executable raise<<-EOS.undent) The '#{gem_name}' gem is installed but couldn't find '#{executable}' in the PATH: #{ENV["PATH"]} EOS end end end