cask 'gqrx' do version '2.11.5' sha256 '896cefcb2825840178b6dbfb894b01543b1c8225539e6969052133223a59ffee' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version.major_minor_patch}/Gqrx-#{version}.dmg" appcast '' name 'Gqrx' homepage '' app '' binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/" binary "#{appdir}/", target: 'soapysdrutil' binary "#{appdir}/" # shim script ( shimscript = "#{staged_path}/" binary shimscript, target: 'gqrx' preflight do IO.write shimscript, <<~EOS #!/bin/sh '#{appdir}/' "$@" EOS end end