cask 'puppet-agent' do version '1.10.9-1' if MacOS.version == :yosemite sha256 '05af4e30856de5b012e9e219872391d56b99e6966f874258fb2285269eebff09' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version}.osx10.10.dmg" elsif MacOS.version == :el_capitan sha256 '4c7274ab07c82328d47d2365baa1f866687b3fcf04ac88e9bbb743fc6bfee7a2' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version}.osx10.11.dmg" else sha256 '8657902ca7aaffeebc16465a68f1b583844214fb874513f43e9f27fb49f775f7' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version}.osx10.12.dmg" appcast '', checkpoint: '65fd80d62d954ecf8f13e309eb7721a385c1299740421f57c1c35bac6eee78bb' end name 'Puppet Agent' homepage '' depends_on macos: '>= :yosemite' pkg "puppet-agent-#{version}-installer.pkg" uninstall launchctl: ['puppet', 'pxp-agent', 'mcollective'], pkgutil: 'com.puppetlabs.puppet-agent' zap trash: '~/.puppetlabs' end