--- name: Bug Report about: Create a report to help us improve --- #### General troubleshooting steps - [ ] I understand that [if I ignore these instructions, my issue may be closed without review](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-cask/blob/master/doc/faq/closing_issues_without_review.md). - [ ] I have retried my command with `--force`. - [ ] I ran `brew update-reset && brew update` and retried my command. - [ ] I ran `brew doctor`, fixed as many issues as possible and retried my command. - [ ] I have checked the instructions for [reporting bugs](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-cask#reporting-bugs). - [ ] I made doubly sure this is not a [checksum does not match](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-cask/blob/master/doc/reporting_bugs/checksum_does_not_match_error.md) error. #### Description of issue {{replace this}} #### Command that failed ``` {{replace this}} ``` #### Output of command with `--force --verbose --debug` ``` {{replace this}} ``` #### Output of `brew cask doctor` ``` {{replace this}} ``` #### Output of `brew tap` ``` {{replace this}} ```