require "forwardable" class Check CHECKS = { installed_apps: -> { ["/Applications", File.expand_path("~/Applications")] .flat_map { |dir| Dir["#{dir}/**/*.app"] } }, installed_kexts: -> { system_command!("/usr/sbin/kextstat", args: ["-kl"], print_stderr: false) .stdout .lines .map { |l| l.match(/^.{52}([^\s]+)/)[1] } .grep_v(/^com\.apple\./) }, installed_pkgs: -> { Pathname("/var/db/receipts") .children .grep(/\.plist$/) .map { |path| path.basename.to_s.sub(/\.plist$/, "") } }, installed_launchjobs: -> { format_launchjob = lambda { |file| name = file.basename(".plist").to_s label = Plist.parse_xml(["Label"] (name == label) ? name : "#{name} (#{label})" } [ "~/Library/LaunchAgents", "~/Library/LaunchDaemons", "/Library/LaunchAgents", "/Library/LaunchDaemons", ].map { |p| Pathname(p).expand_path } .select(&:directory?) .flat_map(&:children) .select { |child| child.extname == ".plist" } .select(&:exist?) .map(&format_launchjob) }, loaded_launchjobs: -> { launchctl = lambda do |sudo| system_command!("/bin/launchctl", args: ["list"], print_stderr: false, sudo: sudo) .stdout .lines.drop(1) end [false, true] .flat_map(&launchctl) .map { |l| l.split(/\s+/)[2] } .grep_v(/^com\.apple\./) }, } class Diff attr_reader :removed, :added def initialize(before, after) @before = before.sort.uniq @after = after.sort.uniq @removed = @before - @after @added = @after - @before end def changed? removed.any? || added.any? end end def before @before = {} CHECKS.each do |name, block| @before[name] = end end def after @after = {} CHECKS.each do |name, block| @after[name] = end end def diff return @diff if defined?(@diff) @diff = {} CHECKS.keys.each do |name| @diff[name] =[name], @after[name]) end @diff end private :diff def success? end def message return if success? lines = [] pkg_files = diff[:installed_pkgs] .added .flat_map { |id| } installed_apps = diff[:installed_apps].added - pkg_files if installed_apps.any? lines << Formatter.error("Some applications are still installed, add them to #{Formatter.identifier("uninstall delete:")}", label: "Error") lines << installed_apps.join("\n") end if diff[:installed_kexts].added.any? lines << Formatter.error("Some kernel extensions are still installed, add them to #{Formatter.identifier("uninstall kext:")}", label: "Error") lines << diff[:installed_kexts].added.join("\n") end if diff[:installed_pkgs].added.any? lines << Formatter.error("Some packages are still installed, add them to #{Formatter.identifier("uninstall pkgutil:")}", label: "Error") lines << diff[:installed_pkgs].added.join("\n") end if diff[:installed_launchjobs].added.any? lines << Formatter.error("Some launch jobs are still installed, add them to #{Formatter.identifier("uninstall launchctl:")}", label: "Error") lines << diff[:installed_launchjobs].added.join("\n") end running_apps = diff[:loaded_launchjobs] .added .select { |id| id.match?(/\.\d+\Z/) } .map { |id| id.sub(/\.\d+\Z/, "") } loaded_launchjobs = diff[:loaded_launchjobs] .added .reject { |id| id.match?(/\.\d+\Z/) } if running_apps.any? lines << Formatter.error("Some applications are still running, add them to #{Formatter.identifier("uninstall quit:")}", label: "Error") lines << running_apps.join("\n") end if loaded_launchjobs.any? lines << Formatter.error("Some launch jobs were not unloaded, add them to #{Formatter.identifier("uninstall launchctl:")}", label: "Error") lines << loaded_launchjobs.join("\n") end lines.join("\n") end end