cask 'git-annex' do version :latest sha256 :no_check if MacOS.release <= :lion # is the official download host per the vendor homepage url '' elsif MacOS.release == :mountain_lion # is the official download host per the vendor homepage url '' # This is a horrible hack to force the file extension. The # backend code should be fixed so that this is not needed. preflight do system '/bin/mv', '--', staged_path.join('git-annex-latest'), staged_path.join('git-annex-latest.dmg') end container nested: 'git-annex-latest.dmg' elsif MacOS.release == :mavericks # is the official download host per the vendor homepage url '' else # is the official download host per the vendor homepage url '' end name 'git-annex' homepage '' license :gpl gpg "#{url}.sig", key_url: '' depends_on macos: %w[ :lion :mountain_lion :mavericks :yosemite :el_capitan ] app '' binary '' binary '' uninstall launchctl: 'com.branchable.git-annex.assistant' caveats do files_in_usr_local end end