cask 'virtual-ii' do if MacOS.version <= :leopard version '6.3.7' sha256 '518c40b94039db64a26664cd8644e0e06dc71e7e8c72ca65294c01836464b770' url "{version.dots_to_underscores}.dmg" else version :latest sha256 :no_check url '' end name 'Virtual ][' homepage '' suite 'Virtual ][' preflight do # There is no sub-folder in the DMG; the root *is* the folder, staged_path.join('Virtual ][').tap(&:mkpath)) end caveats <<-EOS.undent This app requires a ROM image, which must be downloaded and installed separately. See #{homepage}VirtualIIHelp/virtual_II_help.html#ROMImage for more info. EOS end