class CrosspackAvr < Cask url '' homepage '' version 'CrossPack-AVR 20130-12-16' sha1 'd255e7822e961c002691fbb0d19a564a819c7386' install 'CrossPack-AVR.pkg' after_uninstall do IO.popen('yes | sudo -E /usr/local/CrossPack-AVR/uninstall && sudo pkgutil --forget at.obdev.CrossPack-AVR', 'r+') do |pipe| pipe.close_write while line = pipe.gets puts line end end end caveats do puts <<-EOS.undent CrossPack-AVR can normally install multiple versions side-by-side. Therefore, running install will typically install multiple versions of the tools in /usr/local/ (e.g. /usr/local/CrossPack-AVR-20131216). This cask will invoke the CrossPack-AVR uninstall script when it is uninstalled, removing the most recent version of the tools. EOS files_in_usr_local end end