cask 'unison' do if MacOS.version <= :mountain_lion version '2.40.69' sha256 '2bcc460511f2b43fa1613cc5f9ba4dd59bb12d40b5b9fb2e9f21adaf854bcf3b' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version}_x64.dmg" elsif MacOS.version <= :yosemite version '2.48.3' sha256 'd578196d8b38f35c1e0410a1c86ff4e115a91f7eb211201db7a940a3a3e0f099' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version}/Unison-OS-X-#{version}.zip" else version '2.51.2' sha256 '0738a6978fa29bb2af409322069cc20df293b770877942ac4b8774f06e774aa5' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url "{version}/Unison-#{version}" end appcast '' name 'Unison' homepage '' conflicts_with formula: 'unison' app '' binary "#{appdir}/", target: 'unison' postflight do system_command '/usr/bin/defaults', args: ['write', 'edu.upenn.cis.Unison', 'CheckCltool', '-bool', 'false'] end end