# How to Use Homebrew-Cask ## Getting Started First ensure you have Homebrew version `0.9.5` or higher: ```bash $ brew --version 0.9.5 ``` ## Frequently Used Commands Homebrew-Cask is implemented as a subcommand of Homebrew. All Homebrew-Cask commands begin with `brew cask`. Homebrew-Cask has its own set of command verbs many of which are similar to Homebrew’s. The most frequently-used commands are: * `search` — searches all known Casks * `install` — installs the given Cask * `uninstall` — uninstalls the given Cask ## Searching for Casks The `brew cask search` command accepts a series of substring arguments, and returns tokens representing matching Casks. Let’s see if there’s a Cask for Google Chrome: ```bash $ brew cask search chrome google-chrome ``` A `search` command with no search term will list all available Casks: ```bash $ brew cask search # ``` ## Installing Casks The command `brew cask install` accepts a Cask token as returned by `brew cask search`. Let’s try to install Google Chrome: ```bash $ brew cask install google-chrome ==> Downloading https://dl.google.com/chrome/mac/stable/GGRO/googlechrome.dmg ==> Moving App 'Google Chrome.app' to '/Applications/Google Chrome.app' 🍺 google-chrome was successfully installed! ``` ## Uninstalling Casks Easy peasy: ```bash $ brew cask uninstall google-chrome ``` This will both uninstall the Cask and remove applications which were moved to `/Applications`. To uninstall all versions of a Cask, use `--force`: ```bash $ brew cask uninstall --force google-chrome ``` Note that `uninstall --force` is currently imperfect. See the man page for more information. ## Other Commands * `info` — displays information about the given Cask * `list` — with no args, lists installed Casks; given installed Casks, lists staged files (with `--full-name`, include tap name) * `fetch` — downloads remote application files for the given Cask to the local cache (with `--force`, re-download even if already cached) * `doctor` — checks for configuration issues * `cleanup` — cleans up cached downloads (with `--outdated`, only cleans old downloads) * `home` — opens the homepage of the given Cask; or with no arguments, the Homebrew-Cask project page * `zap` — try to remove *all* files associated with a Cask (may include resources shared with other applications) * `outdated` - lists all outdated Casks * `upgrade` - updates all outdated Casks The following commands are for Cask authors: * `audit` — verifies installability of Casks * `cat` — dumps the given Cask to the standard output * `create` — creates a Cask and opens it in an editor * `edit` — edits the given Cask The following aliases and abbreviations are provided for convenience: * `ls` — `list` * `-S` — `search` * `rm`, `remove` — `uninstall` * `dr` — `doctor` ## Tab Completion [Homebrew/homebrew-completions](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-completions) supports `bash` and `fish` completions (only for `brew-cask` right now). Install them with: ```bash $ brew install brew-cask-completion ``` For `zsh` completion support, simply run: ```bash $ brew install zsh-completions ``` ## Inspecting Installed Casks List all installed Casks: ```bash $ brew cask list atom google-chrome 1password ``` Show details about a specific Cask: ```bash $ brew cask info caffeine caffeine: 1.1.1 http://lightheadsw.com/caffeine/ Not installed From: https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/blob/master/Casks/caffeine.rb ==> Name Caffeine ==> Artifacts Caffeine.app (app) ``` ## Updating/Upgrading Casks Since the Homebrew-Cask repository is a Homebrew Tap, you’ll pull down the latest Casks every time you issue the regular Homebrew command `brew update`. You can check for outdated Casks with `brew cask outdated` and install the outdated Casks with `brew cask upgrade`. It is generally safe to run updates from within an application. ## Updating/Upgrading the Homebrew-Cask Tool Homebrew [automatically taps and keeps Homebrew-Cask updated](https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/pull/15381). `brew update` is all that is required. ## Additional Taps (optional) The primary Homebrew-Cask Tap includes most of the Casks that a typical user will be interested in. There are a few additional Taps where we store different kinds of Casks. | Tap name | description | | -------- | ----------- | | [caskroom/versions](https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-versions) | contains alternate versions of Casks (e.g. betas, nightly releases, old versions) | [caskroom/fonts](https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-fonts) | contains Casks that install fonts | [caskroom/eid](https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-eid) | contains Casks that install electronic identity card software of various countries | [caskroom/drivers](https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-drivers) | contains Casks that install drivers for various devices You can tap any of the above with a `brew tap` command: ```bash $ brew tap ``` after which, Casks from the new Tap will be available to `search` or `install` just like Casks from the main Tap. `brew update` will automatically keep your new Tap up to date. You may also specify a fully-qualified Cask token (which includes the Tap) for any `brew cask` command. This will implicitly add the Tap if you have not previously added it with `brew tap`: ```bash $ brew cask install caskroom/fonts/font-symbola ``` ## Options `brew cask` accepts a number of options: * `--version`: print version and exit * `--debug`: output debug information * `--no-binaries`: skip symlinking executable binaries into `/usr/local/bin` * `--require-sha`: abort installation of cask if no checksum is defined * `--language=[, ... ]` changes the language of the cask to be installed. The first matching language is used, otherwise it uses the default language of the cask. You can also modify the default installation locations used when issuing `brew cask install`: * `--appdir=/my/path` changes the path where the applications will be moved. Default is `/Applications`. * `--fontdir=/my/path` changes the path for Fonts. Default is `~/Library/Fonts`. * See `man brew-cask` for the other default installation locations and the flags to change them. To make these settings persistent, you might want to add the following line to your `.bash_profile` or `.zshenv`: ```bash # Specify your defaults in this environment variable export HOMEBREW_CASK_OPTS="--appdir=~/Applications --fontdir=/Library/Fonts" ``` Note that you still can override the environment variable `HOMEBREW_CASK_OPTS` by _explicitly_ providing options in the command line: ```bash # Will force the Chrome app to be moved to /Applications # even though HOMEBREW_CASK_OPTS specified ~/Applications $ brew cask install --appdir="/Applications" google-chrome ``` ## Advanced Searching The default search algorithm is a lax substring approach, which does not use the command-line arguments exactly as given. If you need to specify a search more precisely, a single search argument enclosed in `/` characters will be taken as a Ruby regular expression: ```bash $ brew cask search '/^google.c[a-z]rome$/' google-chrome ``` ## Other Ways to Specify a Cask Most `brew cask` commands can accept a Cask token as an argument. As described above, the token on the command line can take the form of: * A token as returned by `brew cask search`, _eg_: `google-chrome`. * A fully-qualified token which includes the Tap, _eg_: `caskroom/fonts/font-symbola`. `brew cask` also accepts three other forms as arguments: * A path to a Cask file, _eg_: `/usr/local/Library/Taps/caskroom/homebrew-cask/Casks/google-chrome.rb`. * A `curl`-retrievable URI to a Cask file, _eg_: `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/f25b6babcd398abf48e33af3d887b2d00de1d661/Casks/google-chrome.rb`. * A file in the current working directory, _eg_: `my-modfied-google-chrome.rb`. Note that matching Tapped Cask tokens will be preferred over this form when there is a conflict. To force the use of a Cask file in the current directory, specify a pathname with slashes, _eg_: `./google-chrome.rb`. The last three forms are intended for users who wish to maintain private Casks. ## Taps You can add Casks to your existing (or new) Taps: just create a directory named `Casks` inside your Tap, put your Cask files there, and everything will just work.