cask 'mpv' do version '0.14.0' sha256 '1ab1e2dafd117041e0d1d766285d8ee76bdc6d4c151ef9fb11d3ec0652762eb6' # is the official download host per the vendor homepage url "{version}/mpv_#{version}_mac.tar.bz2" appcast '', checkpoint: 'e77b889c1619cabd01a6fc7b9046c6c238a0e73e5089f474c92bfe880f97fd16' name 'mpv' homepage '' license :gpl app '' binary '' # Symlink fonts.conf to user dir so mpv doesn't show errors while used as CLI app. # Original discussion: postflight do system '/bin/ln', '-nsf', '--', staged_path.join(''), File.expand_path('~/.config/mpv/fonts.conf') end zap delete: [ '~/.mpv/channels.conf', '~/.mpv/config', '~/.mpv/input.conf', '~/.mpv/fonts.conf', '~/.config/mpv/channels.conf', '~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf', '~/.config/mpv/input.conf', '~/.config/mpv/fonts.conf', ], rmdir: [ '~/.mpv', '~/.config/mpv', ] caveats do files_in_usr_local end end