cask :v1 => 'qgis' do version '2.4.0-1' sha256 '785c268997651b547dd1261a86aa3b805a3d66c9706c0afb42758e1a2bb9ae0a' url "{version}.dmg" homepage '' license :unknown # todo: improve this machine-generated value pkg 'Install QGIS.pkg' uninstall :pkgutil => 'org.qgis.qgis-*' # todo: transitional, replace #{} with #{token} caveats <<-EOS.undent #{^KlassPrefix/,'').gsub(/([a-zA-Z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1-\2').gsub(/([a-zA-Z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1-\2').downcase} requires the GDAL framework and Matplotlib to be installed first, otherwise the installation will fail. In case of problems, try installing them: brew cask install gdal-framework matplotlib and then reinstall QGIS brew cask uninstall qgis && brew cask install qgis EOS end