cask "p4" do arch arm: "12arm64", intel: "1015x86_64" version "2023.2,2535420" sha256 arm: "00264b87bf4ebb26286bc089fc0686d913d921b9b39bc67bf436af3702ac18b1", intel: "8a24804e48247104a1e59e99620e57bbe456018fef84b2dff911175908057017" url "{version.major[-2..]}.#{version.minor}/bin.macosx#{arch}/p4" name "Perforce Helix Command-Line Client (P4)" desc "Use it to gain instant access to operations and complete control over the system" homepage "" livecheck do url "" regex(%r{\((\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/(\d+)\)}i) strategy :page_match do |page, regex| page.scan(regex).map { |match| "#{match[0]},#{match[1]}" } end end conflicts_with cask: "perforce" depends_on macos: ">= :sierra" container type: :naked binary "bin.macosx#{arch}", target: "p4" # No zap stanza required end