cask 'veracrypt' do version '1.17' sha256 'fa62b0e84f993dc2c58966e4eef91d8fdd3710913f78d62aa352e12187259f89' # was verified as official when first introduced to the cask url '' name 'VeraCrypt' homepage '' license :oss depends_on cask: 'osxfuse' pkg 'VeraCrypt_Installer.pkg' uninstall pkgutil: 'com.idrix.pkg.veracrypt' caveats <<-EOS.undent #{token} requires osxfuse with "MacFUSE Compatibility Layer" enabled. If you did not enable that option, #{token} will fail to install. To enable the option, you need to install osxfuse manually (double-click the installer). The installer should be located under #{Hbc.caskroom}/osxfuse EOS end