cask "86box" do version "4.1,5555" sha256 "1fc1bd78177471fcfc77d94df06a4b01e6cc3200632497782063a0a892521cab" url "{version.csv.first}/86Box-macOS-x86_64+arm64-b#{version.csv.second}.zip", verified: "" name "86Box" desc "Emulator of x86-based machines based on PCem" homepage "" livecheck do url :url regex(%r{/v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)/86Box[._-]macOS.*?[._-]b(\d+)\.zip$}i) strategy :github_latest do |json, regex| json["assets"]&.map do |asset| match = asset["browser_download_url"]&.match(regex) next if match.blank? "#{match[1]},#{match[2]}" end end end depends_on macos: ">= :mojave" app "", target: "86Box/" roms_dir = Pathname("~/Library/Application Support/net.86box.86Box/roms") preflight do roms_dir.expand_path.mkpath end zap trash: [ "/Applications/86Box", "~/Library/Application Support/net.86box.86Box", "~/Library/Saved Application State/net.86Box.86Box.savedState", ] caveats do <<~EOS The latest ROM files from need to be installed into: #{roms_dir} EOS end end