cask "vorta" do version "0.7.1" sha256 "3a6a5ea8d85dc8815cacfdf6a5591d0d811c4cb2320c08f89cb7d9de1261b3fa" url "{version}/vorta-#{version}.dmg" appcast "" name "Vorta" desc "Desktop Backup Client for Borg" homepage "" auto_updates true depends_on macos: ">= :mojave" app "" zap trash: "~/Library/Application Support/Vorta" caveats <<~EOS #{token} requires BorgBackup to run. If you do not need mount support, use the official formula: brew install borgbackup If you plan on mounting archives using macFUSE, consider using the Tap maintained by the Borg team: brew install --cask osxfuse brew install borgbackup/tap/borgbackup-fuse EOS end