# Cask Token Reference This document describes the algorithm implemented in the `generate_cask_token` script, and covers detailed rules and exceptions which are not needed in most cases. * [Purpose](#purpose) * [Finding the Simplified Name of the Vendor's Distribution](#finding-the-simplified-name-of-the-vendors-distribution) * [Converting the Simplified Name To a Token](#converting-the-simplified-name-to-a-token) * [Cask Filenames](#cask-filenames) * [Cask Headers](#cask-headers) * [Cask Token Examples](#cask-token-examples) ## Purpose The purpose of these stringent conventions is to * unambiguously boil down the name of the software into a unique identifier * minimize renaming events * prevent duplicate submissions The token itself should be * suitable for use as a filename * mnemonic Details of software names and brands will inevitably be lost in the conversion to a minimal token. To capture the vendor's full name for a distribution, use the [`name`](CASK_LANGUAGE_REFERENCE.md#name-stanza-details) within a Cask. `name` accepts an unrestricted UTF-8 string. ## Finding the Simplified Name of the Vendor's Distribution ### Simplified Names of Apps * Start with the exact name of the Application bundle as it appears on disk, such as `Google Chrome.app`. * If the name uses letters outside A-Z, convert it to ASCII as described in [Converting to ASCII](#converting-to-ascii). * Remove `.app` from the end. * Remove from the end: the string "app", if the vendor styles the name like "Software App.app". Exception: when "app" is an inseparable part of the name, without which the name would be inherently nonsensical, as in [rcdefaultapp.rb](../Casks/rcdefaultapp.rb). * Remove from the end: version numbers or incremental release designations such as "alpha", "beta", or "release candidate". Strings which distinguish different capabilities or codebases such as "Community Edition" are currently accepted. Exception: when a number is not an incremental release counter, but a differentiator for a different product from a different vendor, as in [pgadmin3.rb](../Casks/pgadmin3.rb). * If the version number is arranged to occur in the middle of the App name, it should also be removed. Example: [IntelliJ IDEA 13 CE.app](../Casks/intellij-idea-ce.rb). * Remove from the end: "Launcher", "Quick Launcher". * Remove from the end: strings such as "Mac", "for Mac", "for OS X". These terms are generally added to ported software such as "MAME OS X.app". Exception: when the software is not a port, and "Mac" is an inseparable part of the name, without which the name would be inherently nonsensical, as in [PlayOnMac.app](../Casks/playonmac.rb). * Remove from the end: hardware designations such as "for x86", "32-bit", "ppc". * Remove from the end: software framework names such as "Cocoa", "Qt", "Gtk", "Wx", "Java", "Oracle JVM", etc. Exception: the framework is the product being Casked: [java.rb](../Casks/java.rb). * Remove from the end: localization strings such as "en-US" * If the result of that process is a generic term, such as "Macintosh Installer", try prepending the name of the vendor or developer, followed by a hyphen. If that doesn't work, then just create the best name you can, based on the vendor's web page. * If the result conflicts with the name of an existing Cask, make yours unique by prepending the name of the vendor or developer, followed by a hyphen. Example: [unison.rb](../Casks/unison.rb) and [panic-unison.rb](../Casks/panic-unison.rb). * Inevitably, there are a small number of exceptions not covered by the rules. Don't hesitate to [contact the maintainers](../../../issues) if you have a problem. ### Converting to ASCII * If the vendor provides an English localization string, that is preferred. Here are the places it may be found, in order of preference: * `CFBundleDisplayName` in the main `Info.plist` file of the app bundle * `CFBundleName` in the main `Info.plist` file of the app bundle * `CFBundleDisplayName` in `InfoPlist.strings` of an `en.lproj` localization directory * `CFBundleName` in `InfoPlist.strings` of an `en.lproj` localization directory * `CFBundleDisplayName` in `InfoPlist.strings` of an `English.lproj` localization directory * `CFBundleName` in `InfoPlist.strings` of an `English.lproj` localization directory * When there is no vendor localization string, romanize the name by transliteration or decomposition. * As a last resort, translate the name of the app bundle into English. ### Simplified Names of `pkg`-based Installers * The Simplified Name of a `pkg` may be more tricky to determine than that of an App. If a `pkg` installs an App, then use that App name with the rules above. If not, just create the best name you can, based on the vendor's web page. ### Simplified Names of non-App Software * Currently, rules for generating a token are not well-defined for Preference Panes, QuickLook plugins, and several other types of software installable by homebrew-cask. Just create the best name you can, based on the filename on disk or the vendor's web page. Watch out for duplicates. Non-app tokens should become more standardized in the future. ## Converting the Simplified Name To a Token The token is the primary identifier for a package in our project. It's the unique string users refer to when operating on the Cask. To convert the App's Simplified Name (above) to a token: * convert all letters to lower case * expand the `+` symbol into a separated English word: `-plus-` * expand the `@` symbol into a separated English word: `-at-` * spaces become hyphens * hyphens stay hyphens * digits stay digits * delete any character which is not alphanumeric or hyphen * collapse a series of multiple hyphens into one hyphen * delete a leading or trailing hyphen We avoid defining Cask tokens in the repository which differ only by the placement of hyphens. Prepend the vendor name if needed to disambiguate the token. ## Cask Filenames Casks are stored in a Ruby file named after the token, with the file extension `.rb`. ## Cask Headers The token is also given in the header line for each Cask. ## Cask Token Examples These illustrate most of the rules for generating a token: App Name on Disk | Simplified App Name | Cask Token | Filename -----------------------|---------------------|------------------|---------------------- `Audio Hijack Pro.app` | Audio Hijack Pro | audio-hijack-pro | `audio-hijack-pro.rb` `VLC.app` | VLC | vlc | `vlc.rb` `BetterTouchTool.app` | BetterTouchTool | bettertouchtool | `bettertouchtool.rb` `LPK25 Editor.app` | LPK25 Editor | lpk25-editor | `lpk25-editor.rb` `Sublime Text 2.app` | Sublime Text | sublime-text | `sublime-text.rb` # <3 THANK YOU TO ALL CONTRIBUTORS! <3