cask 'fritzing' do version '0.9.3b' sha256 'a057ed849b842540b98a68ab2cb996e22b482278706dd2f8da21d1bccf70513f' url "{version}/mac-os-x-105/Fritzing#{version}.dmg" appcast '' name 'Fritzing' homepage '' app '' caveats <<~EOS There's a known issue with Fritzing 0.9.3b, causing it to corrupt its own parts-library on first-launch. To avoid this, you must launch Fritzing *from the command-line* for the first time: $ #{appdir}/ Once open, you'll need to explicitly update the parts-library: Help → Check for updates... Thereafter, at least until the next time you want to update the parts-library, you can safely launch it from the Finder. See: for more. EOS end