begin require Pathname(__FILE__).realpath.dirname.join("lib", "hbc", "version") rescue # todo: transitional, defensive, should not be needed. # remove the begin/rescue logic after 1 Feb 2015 require Pathname(__FILE__).realpath.dirname.join("lib", "cask", "version") HBC_VERSION = HOMEBREW_CASK_VERSION end class Ruby20Requirement < Requirement fatal true default_formula "ruby" satisfy :build_env => false do next unless which "ruby" version = /\d\.\d/.match `ruby --version 2>&1` next unless version >="2.0") end env do ENV.prepend_path "PATH", which("ruby").dirname end def message; <<-EOS.undent brew-cask needs Ruby >=2.0 EOS end end class BrewCask < Formula homepage "" url "", :tag => "v#{HBC_VERSION}" head "", :branch => "master" skip_clean "bin" depends_on Ruby20Requirement def install man1.install "doc/man/brew-cask.1" prefix.install "lib" => "rubylib" inreplace "bin/brew-cask", "/lib", "/rubylib" prefix.install "Casks", "bin" (bin+"brew-cask").chmod 0755 end test do system "#{bin}/brew-cask", "cask", "info", "google-chrome" end end