cask 'virtualbox' do version '6.1.0,135406' sha256 '77af2fef56d8e6cebf74e5999c97c03a7817a9557ea960c3c6db89f5007215db' url "{version.before_comma}/VirtualBox-#{version.before_comma}-#{version.after_comma}-OSX.dmg" appcast '' name 'Oracle VirtualBox' homepage '' conflicts_with cask: 'virtualbox-beta' pkg 'VirtualBox.pkg', choices: [ { 'choiceIdentifier' => 'choiceVBoxKEXTs', 'choiceAttribute' => 'selected', 'attributeSetting' => 1, }, { 'choiceIdentifier' => 'choiceVBox', 'choiceAttribute' => 'selected', 'attributeSetting' => 1, }, { 'choiceIdentifier' => 'choiceVBoxCLI', 'choiceAttribute' => 'selected', 'attributeSetting' => 1, }, { 'choiceIdentifier' => 'choiceOSXFuseCore', 'choiceAttribute' => 'selected', 'attributeSetting' => 0, }, ] postflight do # If VirtualBox is installed before `/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig` is created by Homebrew, it creates it itself with incorrect permissions that break other packages # See set_ownership '/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig' end uninstall script: { executable: 'VirtualBox_Uninstall.tool', args: ['--unattended'], sudo: true, }, pkgutil: 'org.virtualbox.pkg.*', delete: '/usr/local/bin/vboximg-mount' zap trash: [ '/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox', '~/Library/Application Support/*', '~/Library/Application Support/*', '~/Library/Preferences/', '~/Library/Preferences/', '~/Library/Saved Application State/', '~/Library/Saved Application State/', '~/Library/VirtualBox', ], rmdir: '~/VirtualBox VMs' caveats do kext end end