require 'coveralls' Coveralls.wear_merged! # just in case if RUBY_VERSION.to_i < 2 raise 'brew-cask: Ruby 2.0 or greater is required.' end project_root = Pathname(File.expand_path("../..", __FILE__)) Dir["#{project_root}/spec/support/*.rb"].each { |f| require f } include HomebrewTestingEnvironment # from Homebrew. Provides expects method. require 'mocha/api' # add homebrew-cask lib to load path $:.push(project_root.join('lib').to_s) require 'hbc' module Hbc class TestCask < Cask; end end # override Homebrew locations Hbc.homebrew_prefix ='prefix') Hbc.homebrew_repository = Hbc.homebrew_prefix Hbc.homebrew_tapspath = nil Hbc.binarydir = Hbc.homebrew_prefix.join('binarydir').join('bin') # making homebrew's cache dir allows us to actually download Casks in tests HOMEBREW_CACHE.mkpath HOMEBREW_CACHE.join('Casks').mkpath # Look for Casks in testcasks by default. It is elsewhere required that # the string "test" appear in the directory name. Hbc.default_tap = project_root.join('spec', 'support') # our own testy caskroom Hbc.caskroom = Hbc.homebrew_prefix.join('TestCaskroom') RSpec.configure do |config| config.include ShutupHelper end