module Cask::Scopes def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def all { |c| self.load c } end def all_tapped_cask_dirs return @all_tapped_cask_dirs unless @all_tapped_cask_dirs.nil? fq_default_tap = tapspath.join(default_tap, 'Casks') @all_tapped_cask_dirs = Dir.glob(tapspath.join('*', '*', 'Casks')).map { |d| } # optimization: place the default Tap first if @all_tapped_cask_dirs.include? fq_default_tap @all_tapped_cask_dirs = @all_tapped_cask_dirs - [ fq_default_tap ] @all_tapped_cask_dirs.unshift fq_default_tap end @all_tapped_cask_dirs end def reset_all_tapped_cask_dirs # The memoized value should be reset when a Tap is added/removed # (which is a rare event in our codebase). @all_tapped_cask_dirs = nil end def all_titles cask_titles = { |d| Dir.glob d.join('*.rb') }.flatten { |c| # => "/usr/local/Library/Taps/caskroom/example-tap/Casks/example.rb" c.sub!(/\.rb$/, '') # => ".../example" c = c.split('/').last 4 # => ["caskroom", "example-tap", "Casks", "example"] c.delete_at(-2) # => ["example-tap", "example"] c = c.join '/' } end def installed installed_cask_dirs = Pathname.glob(caskroom.join("*")) # Cask.load has some DWIM which is slow. Optimize here # by spoon-feeding Cask.load fully-qualified paths. # todo: speed up Cask::Source::Tapped (main perf drag is calling Cask.all_titles repeatedly) # todo: ability to specify expected source when calling Cask.load (minor perf benefit) do |install_dir| cask_name = install_dir.basename.to_s path_to_cask = all_tapped_cask_dirs.find do |tap_dir| tap_dir.join("#{cask_name}.rb").exist? end cask_name = path_to_cask.join("#{cask_name}.rb") if path_to_cask Cask.load(cask_name) end end end end