require 'bundler' require 'bundler/setup' # force some environment variables ENV['HOMEBREW_NO_EMOJI']='1' # set some Homebrew constants used in our code HOMEBREW_BREW_FILE = '/usr/local/bin/brew' # add cask lib to load path brew_cask_path ='/../../')) casks_path = brew_cask_path.join('Casks') lib_path = brew_cask_path.join('lib') $:.push(lib_path) # add homebrew to load path homebrew_path = Pathname(`brew --prefix`.chomp) homebrew_path = Pathname('/usr/local') unless homebrew_path.exist? $:.push(homebrew_path.join('Library', 'Homebrew')) # require homebrew testing env require 'test/testing_env' # todo temporary, copied from old Homebrew, this method is now moved inside a class def shutup if ARGV.verbose? yield else begin tmperr = $stderr.clone tmpout = $stdout.clone $stderr.reopen '/dev/null', 'w' $stdout.reopen '/dev/null', 'w' yield ensure $stderr.reopen tmperr $stdout.reopen tmpout end end end # making homebrew's cache dir allows us to actually download casks in tests HOMEBREW_CACHE.mkpath HOMEBREW_CACHE.join('Casks').mkpath # must be called after testing_env so at_exit hooks are in proper order require 'minitest/autorun' # todo, re-enable minitest-colorize, broken under current test environment for unknown reasons # require 'minitest-colorize' # Force mocha to patch MiniTest since we have both loaded thanks to homebrew's testing_env require 'mocha/api' require 'mocha/integration/mini_test' Mocha::Integration::MiniTest.activate # our baby require 'cask' # Look for casks in testcasks by default. It is elsewhere required that # the string "test" appear in the directory name. Cask.default_tap = 'caskroom/homebrew-testcasks' # our own testy caskroom Cask.caskroom = HOMEBREW_PREFIX.join('TestCaskroom') class TestHelper # helpers for test casks to reference local files easily def self.local_binary_path(name) File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'support', 'binaries', name)) end def self.local_binary_url(name) 'file://' + local_binary_path(name) end def self.test_cask Cask.load('basic-cask') end def self.fake_fetcher Cask::FakeFetcher end def self.fake_response_for(*args) Cask::FakeFetcher.fake_response_for(*args) end def self.must_output(test, lambda, expected) out, err = test.capture_subprocess_io do end if expected.is_a? Regexp (out+err).chomp.must_match expected else (out+err).chomp.must_equal expected.gsub(/^ */, '') end end def self.valid_alias?(candidate) return false unless candidate.symlink? candidate.readlink.exist? end def self.install_without_artifacts(cask) do |i| shutup do i.extract_primary_container end end end end require 'support/fake_fetcher' require 'support/fake_dirs' require 'support/fake_system_command' require 'support/cleanup' require 'support/never_sudo_system_command' require 'tmpdir' require 'tempfile' # pretend like we installed the cask tap project_root ="#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../")) taps_dest = HOMEBREW_LIBRARY/"Taps/caskroom" # create directories FileUtils.mkdir_p taps_dest HOMEBREW_PREFIX.join('bin').mkdir FileUtils.ln_s project_root, taps_dest/"homebrew-cask" # Common superclass for tests casks for when we need to filter them out class TestCask < Cask; end # jack in some optional utilities FileUtils.ln_s '/usr/local/bin/cabextract', HOMEBREW_PREFIX.join('bin/cabextract') FileUtils.ln_s '/usr/local/bin/unar', HOMEBREW_PREFIX.join('bin/unar') FileUtils.ln_s '/usr/local/bin/lsar', HOMEBREW_PREFIX.join('bin/lsar') # also jack in some test casks FileUtils.ln_s project_root/'test'/'support', taps_dest/"homebrew-testcasks"