cask 'libreoffice' do if Hardware::CPU.is_32_bit? || MacOS.release < :mountain_lion version '4.3.7' sha256 '2964a952ab633426df402de2f128cf788354ac622b7c30b25209d185d17617ec' # is the official download host per the vendor homepage url "{version}/mac/x86/LibreOffice_#{version}_MacOS_x86.dmg" else version '5.0.4' sha256 '36d3a99dde9fd5bb845f93a24c091a36c97ff1adedf878ed2188704f3dfeb2ae' # is the official download host per the vendor homepage url "{version}/mac/x86_64/LibreOffice_#{version}_MacOS_x86-64.dmg" end name 'LibreOffice' homepage '' license :mpl gpg "#{url}.asc", key_id: 'c2839ecad9408fbe9531c3e9f434a1efafeeaea3' app '' binary '' binary '' binary '' binary '' binary '' binary '' binary '' binary '' binary '' binary '' binary '' binary '' end