cask "rstudio" do version "1.3.1093" sha256 "bdc4d3a41f5e714c5399dbad466e31f7b85bf9b93db464c3010f5a560bd9914d" url "{version}.dmg", verified: "" name "RStudio" desc "Data science software focusing on R and Python" homepage "" livecheck do url "" strategy :header_match end conflicts_with cask: "homebrew/cask-versions/rstudio-preview" depends_on macos: ">= :high_sierra" app "" zap trash: "~/.rstudio-desktop" caveats <<~EOS #{token} depends on R. The R Project provides official binaries: brew install --cask r Alternatively, the Homebrew-compiled version of R omits the GUI app: brew install r EOS end