updated raw-photo-processor (latest)

This commit is contained in:
Vítor Galvão 2016-01-09 01:01:56 +00:00
parent 64c5ba954b
commit f8813375ad
1 changed files with 2 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
cask 'raw-photo-processor' do
version '4.7.2'
sha256 'ef300adaaf3399f43741a51f06c062a34c4e809eecdbbffce2cd15af414fbd7f'
version :latest
sha256 :no_check
url 'https://www.raw-photo-processor.com/RPP/RPP_64.zip'
appcast 'http://www.raw-photo-processor.com/rpp_updates.xml',
:sha256 => '83e550582ec77d965383ba778ce68e0e0c3f71501a546fab8619119ec2825287'
name 'Raw Photo Processor'
homepage 'https://www.raw-photo-processor.com/RPP/Overview.html'
license :unknown # TODO: change license and remove this comment; ':unknown' is a machine-generated placeholder