Upgrade Texts to 0.22

This commit is contained in:
Sebastian Röder 2015-04-01 20:58:48 +02:00
parent 65a3c0dde6
commit cb137b5e54
1 changed files with 4 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
cask :v1 => 'texts' do
version '0.21'
sha256 '45bc3294716e7f8624495ee370e949ddc5f0d9bd11d01acf8e6b9c1435ebb989'
version '0.22'
sha256 'f034f63b6742417ca5a0763afe40233ca1b42d7e23df33d8a61b6ddfc180706f'
url "http://www.texts.io/Texts-#{version}.dmg"
name 'Texts'
appcast 'http://www.texts.io/appcast-osx.xml',
:sha256 => 'c769657a0b1d6470676cba2d73b32d77be5afc98e3e01d09a68d6482bc65e5fd'
homepage 'http://www.texts.io'
license :unknown # todo: change license and remove this comment; ':unknown' is a machine-generated placeholder
license :commercial
app 'Texts.app'