updated macdown (0.6) (#21201)

This commit is contained in:
Alessandro Aresta 2016-05-14 08:43:54 +02:00 committed by Aditya Dalal
parent 2b8505d757
commit c31e3dd253
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ cask 'macdown' do
# github.com/uranusjr/macdown was verified as official when first introduced to the cask
url "https://github.com/uranusjr/macdown/releases/download/v#{version}/MacDown.app.zip"
appcast 'https://github.com/uranusjr/macdown/releases.atom',
checkpoint: 'dc94fe807286a33b5e4c89895fa58c1a01fb217d9e5ea5966143570be98bcbff'
checkpoint: '5ddaf175fa2d01fa631675802a747b2a051e9effaaa989c71987b8888ee2de83'
name 'MacDown'
homepage 'http://macdown.uranusjr.com/'
license :mit