DiffMerge: Use pkg installer

Also add a file to the zap :delete stanza, and further DRY up the url
This commit is contained in:
Josh Hagins 2015-10-10 23:05:31 -04:00
parent 4a4cd95c4b
commit bc8b74b7f6
1 changed files with 10 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
cask :v1 => 'diffmerge' do
version ''
sha256 '2c6368653af2440bb4460aef9bb1b2b5d8b84b5a3f47994c4abafc4d7ddbff9e'
sha256 '681b43b6ba5750934143798ee6876cde1ffe63db0fd8eae692dd75a59ceb26cf'
url "http://download-us.sourcegear.com/DiffMerge/4.2.0/DiffMerge.#{version}.intel.stable.dmg"
url "http://download-us.sourcegear.com/DiffMerge/#{version.sub(/\.\d+$/, '')}/DiffMerge.#{version}.intel.stable.pkg"
name 'DiffMerge'
homepage 'https://www.sourcegear.com/diffmerge'
license :unknown # todo: change license and remove this comment; ':unknown' is a machine-generated placeholder
app 'DiffMerge.app'
binary 'DiffMerge.app/Contents/MacOS/DiffMerge', :target => 'diffmerge'
pkg "DiffMerge.#{version}.intel.stable.pkg"
zap :delete => [
'~/Library/Preferences/SourceGear DiffMerge Preferences'
uninstall :pkgutil => 'com.sourcegear.DiffMerge'
zap :delete => [
'~/Library/Preferences/SourceGear DiffMerge Preferences',
'~/Library/Saved Application State/com.sourcegear.DiffMerge.savedState'
caveats <<-EOS.undent
Use "diffmerge --nosplash" to hide the splash screen when using