fix up QuoteFix for Mac

* Bump to 2.6.0;

* Symlinking the mailbundle to ~/Library/Mail/Bundles doesn't work, at
  least not on 10.10.3 (Mail would disable the bundle, probably due to
  security concerns -- the destination of the link could potentially be
  replaced by something malicious). Therefore, cp -r is used instead to
  copy the bundle to the destination folder during post flight stage.
This commit is contained in:
Zhiming Wang 2015-06-20 16:30:18 -07:00
parent 3890a2b120
commit 896ea79e5c
1 changed files with 7 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cask :v1 => 'quotefix' do
version '2.5.2'
sha256 '8d914ae553b84fe5f246ab1eb030d25792ca8d626b3bbac57acee857135e85a9'
version '2.6.0'
sha256 'f7dfdafed6aded0edbb9668ce796ea5ebc890c8f769b42bd64a3de45b7f09f6b'
url "{version}/QuoteFix-v#{version}.zip"
appcast ''
@ -8,12 +8,16 @@ cask :v1 => 'quotefix' do
homepage ''
license :oss
artifact 'QuoteFix.mailbundle', :target =>'~')).join('Library/Mail/Bundles/QuoteFix.mailbundle')
stage_only true
postflight do
system 'defaults', 'write', '', 'EnableBundles', '-bool', 'true'
system 'defaults', 'write', '', 'BundleCompatibilityVersion', '-string', '3'
system 'mkdir', '-p', File.expand_path('~/Library/Mail/Bundles')
system 'cp', '-r', File.join(staged_path, 'QuoteFix.mailbundle'), File.expand_path('~/Library/Mail/Bundles')
uninstall :delete => File.expand_path('~/Library/Mail/Bundles/QuoteFix.mailbundle')
caveats 'You may need to restart before you can use QuoteFix'