bugfix: make uninstall :script accept a hash

The indentation in CONTRIBUTING.md implies that :script accepts a hash.
But that is not the case. Instead :script accesses the entire hash defined
by uninstall.  Unrelated install keys such as :quit leak through to
@command.run! when attempting to exec :script.  Result: contrary to docs,
:script cannot be combined with other uninstall keys.

This PR makes uninstall :script accept a hash.  When :args or :input are not
needed, :script can still accept a plain string, so many Casks require no

In addition
- adds key :executable, required when using hash argument to :script
- keys to :script are validated and sanitized before being passed to
- adds :quit to with-installable.rb test to protect against regression
  on leaky keys
This commit is contained in:
Roland Walker 2014-01-11 12:20:59 -05:00
parent 335a78f78d
commit 81744a038d
9 changed files with 49 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -215,7 +215,8 @@ many features to help properly remove a Cask-installed application.
These features are utilized via a hash argument to `uninstall` with any number
of the following keys:
* `:script` (string) - relative path to an uninstall script to be run via sudo
* `:script` (string or hash) - relative path to an uninstall script to be run via sudo; use hash if args are needed
- `:executable` - relative path to an uninstall script to be run via sudo (required for hash)
- `:args` - array of arguments to the uninstall script
- `:input` - array of lines of input to be sent to `stdin` of the script
* `:launchctl` (string or array) - ids of launchctl services to remove

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@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ class BoxcryptorClassic < Cask
version 'latest'
install 'Install Boxcryptor Classic.pkg'
uninstall :script => 'Uninstall.command', :args => %w[--unattended]
uninstall :script => { :executable => 'Uninstall.command', :args => %w[--unattended] }

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ class Totalfinder < Cask
version '1.5.6'
sha1 'ce0e2fe7fc3bd7b98622c95e2bb73e9fb2f55546'
install 'TotalFinder.pkg'
uninstall :script => 'TotalFinder Uninstaller.app/Contents/MacOS/TotalFinder Uninstaller',
:args => %w[--headless]
uninstall :script => {
:executable => 'TotalFinder Uninstaller.app/Contents/MacOS/TotalFinder Uninstaller',
:args => %w[--headless]

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ class Totalterminal < Cask
version '1.4.6'
sha1 'd0163f80f4c993b05952cef84b55aabaa37af0cc'
install 'TotalTerminal.pkg'
uninstall :script => 'TotalTerminal Uninstaller.app/Contents/MacOS/TotalTerminal Uninstaller',
:args => %w[--headless]
uninstall :script => {
:executable => 'TotalTerminal Uninstaller.app/Contents/MacOS/TotalTerminal Uninstaller',
:args => %w[--headless]

View File

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ class Vagrant < Cask
version '1.4.3'
sha1 '78d20fbe44704d91b7958af57308eb0fde147ed4'
install 'Vagrant.pkg'
uninstall :script => 'uninstall.tool', :input => %w[Yes]
uninstall :script => { :executable => 'uninstall.tool', :input => %w[Yes] }

View File

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ class Virtualbox < Cask
version '4.3.6-91406'
sha1 'b268e52552449304ba8021687645a6f9d7d18920'
install 'VirtualBox.pkg'
uninstall :script => 'VirtualBox_Uninstall.tool', :args => %w[--unattended]
uninstall :script => { :executable => 'VirtualBox_Uninstall.tool', :args => %w[--unattended] }

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@ -4,6 +4,33 @@ class Cask::Artifact::Pkg < Cask::Artifact::Base
def self.read_script_arguments(uninstall_options, key)
script_arguments = uninstall_options[key]
# backwards-compatible string value
if script_arguments.kind_of?(String)
script_arguments = { :executable => script_arguments }
# key sanity
permitted_keys = [:args, :input, :executable]
unknown_keys = script_arguments.keys - permitted_keys
unless unknown_keys.empty?
opoo "Unknown arguments to uninstall :#{key} -- :#{unknown_keys.join(", :")} (ignored). Running `brew update; brew upgrade brew-cask` will likely fix it.'"
script_arguments.reject! {|k,v| ! permitted_keys.include?(k)}
# extract executable
if script_arguments.key?(:executable)
executable = script_arguments.delete(:executable)
executable = nil
script_arguments.merge!(:sudo => true, :print => true)
return executable, script_arguments
def install
@cask.artifacts[:install].each { |pkg| run_installer(pkg) }
@ -30,11 +57,11 @@ class Cask::Artifact::Pkg < Cask::Artifact::Base
ohai "Running uninstall process for #{@cask}; your password may be necessary."
if uninstall_options.key? :script
uninstall_options.merge(:sudo => true, :print => true)
executable, script_arguments = self.class.read_script_arguments(uninstall_options, :script)
raise "Error in Cask #{@cask}: uninstall :script without :executable." if executable.nil?
@command.run!(@cask.destination_path.join(executable), script_arguments)
if uninstall_options.key? :launchctl

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@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ describe Cask::Artifact::Pkg do
it 'runs the specified uninstaller for the cask' do
pkg = Cask::Artifact::Pkg.new(@cask, Cask::FakeSystemCommand)
Cask::FakeSystemCommand.stubs_command(%Q(sudo -E '/usr/bin/osascript' '-e' 'tell application "System Events" to count processes whose bundle identifier is "my.fancy.package.app"' 2>&1), '1')
Cask::FakeSystemCommand.stubs_command(%Q(sudo -E '/usr/bin/osascript' '-e' 'tell application id "my.fancy.package.app" to quit' 2>&1))
expected_command = "sudo -E '#{@cask.destination_path/'MyFancyPkg'/'FancyUninstaller.tool'}' '--please' 2>&1"

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@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ class WithInstallable < TestCask
version '1.2.3'
sha1 '8588bd8175a54b8e0a1310cc18e6567d520ab7c4'
install 'MyFancyPkg/Fancy.pkg'
uninstall :script => 'MyFancyPkg/FancyUninstaller.tool', :args => %w[--please]
uninstall :script => { :executable => 'MyFancyPkg/FancyUninstaller.tool', :args => %w[--please] },
:quit => 'my.fancy.package.app'