Update iBrowse.app to v1.0.3.0

This commit is contained in:
Michał Ordon 2015-05-29 00:46:32 +01:00
parent 762ccd6e06
commit 5dfba22ef4
1 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
cask :v1 => 'ibrowse' do
version ''
sha256 'c3cae297d676e64c3d21638c21583f7c30a8fdbe6a4e127adb0857bafcd8037d'
version ''
sha256 '15dfc22ca7a97b9593994115c5adc016357a443131582e4d68a9bcb32e08ab7c'
# macroplant.com is the official download host per the vendor homepage
url "http://cdn.macroplant.com/release/iBrowse-#{version}x.dmg"
url "http://cdn.macroplant.com/release/iBrowse-#{version}.dmg"
name 'iBrowse'
appcast 'https://www.macroplant.com/ibrowse/ib-appcast.xml',
:sha256 => '2dd21aed73c84b3b7c85ca29292f1c347fbadd5f9fd78866bd5db55d2c70e88f'
homepage 'http://www.ibrowseapp.com/'
license :unknown # todo: change license and remove this comment; ':unknown' is a machine-generated placeholder
license :gratis
app 'iBrowse.app'