Cleaning up newlines in Soundflower.

This commit is contained in:
Otto Hammersmith 2015-11-13 18:17:56 -05:00 committed by adityadalal924
parent 71e285a692
commit 1124f8db33
1 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -3,18 +3,19 @@ cask :v1 => 'soundflower' do
sha256 '6b5e56d53238cf0f9075886aa40580634fc9d23368239f22eccebfd97c9f8e34'
url "{version}/Soundflower-#{version}.dmg"
appcast ''
name 'Soundflower'
homepage ''
license :oss
pkg 'Soundflower.pkg'
postflight do
system '/usr/bin/sudo', '-E', '--',
'/sbin/kextload', '-b', 'com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower'
# early_script is a workaround for a slowly unloading kext, see private-eye Cask
# early_script is a workaround for a slowly unloading kext, see private-eye Cask
uninstall :early_script => {
:executable => '/sbin/kextunload',
:args => ['-b', 'com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower'],