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cask 'jmetrik' do
version '4.1.1'
sha256 'a6b7fa7870232f9bf615704c810c8046b3b5ebc02ec3a920fb96e0f255b61321'
url "https://itemanalysis.com/jmetrik/v#{version.dots_to_underscores}/jmetrik_macos_#{version.dots_to_underscores}_java7.dmg"
2019-04-08 06:24:01 +08:00
appcast 'https://itemanalysis.com/jmetrik-download/'
name 'jMetrik'
2019-05-17 17:33:56 +08:00
homepage 'https://itemanalysis.com/'
installer script: {
executable: 'jMetrik Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub',
# For future Cask maintainers, if any of these variables
# change in future versions, you can run the installer
# manually and then check the values in the following
# file generated by the installation:
# /Applications/jmetrik/.install4j/response.varfile
args: [
'-q', # Silent mode
'-VcreateDesktopLinkAction$Boolean=false', # Do not create a desktop icon
'-VexecutionLauncherAction$Boolean=false', # Do not launch jMetrik after installing
"-Vsys.installationDir=#{appdir}/jMetrik", # Install to subdirectory of /Applications
sudo: true,
uninstall script: {
executable: "#{appdir}/jMetrik/jMetrik Uninstaller.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub",
args: ['-q'],
sudo: true,
zap trash: '~/jmetrik'
caveats do
depends_on_java '7+'