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# Cask Naming Reference
This document describes the algorithm implemented in the `cask_namer`
script, and covers detailed rules and exceptions which are not needed in
most cases.
* [Find the Canonical Name of the Developer's Distribution](#find-the-canonical-name-of-the-developers-distribution)
* [Cask Name](#cask-name)
* [Cask Class](#cask-class)
* [Cask Naming Examples](#cask-naming-examples)
## Find the Canonical Name of the Developer's Distribution
### Canonical Names of Apps
* Start with the exact name of the Application bundle as it appears on disk,
such as `Google Chrome.app`
* Translate the name into English if necessary
* Remove `.app` from the end
* Remove the term "app" from the end, if the developer styles the name like
"Software App.app". Exception: if the term "app" describes functionality,
as in [rcdefaultapp.rb](../Casks/rcdefaultapp.rb).
* Remove from the end: version numbers or incremental release designations such
as "alpha", "beta", or "release candidate". Strings which distinguish different
capabilities or codebases such as "Community Edition" are currently accepted.
Exception: when a number is not an incremental release counter, but a
differentiator for a different product from a different vendor: [pgadmin3.rb](../Casks/pgadmin3.rb).
* If the version number is arranged to occur in the middle of the App name,
it should also be removed. Example: [IntelliJ IDEA 13 CE.app](../Casks/intellij-idea-ce.rb).
* Remove from the end: "mac", "for mac", "for OS X". These terms are generally
added to ports such as "MAME OS X.app". Exception: when the software is not
a port, but "Mac" is an inseparable part of the name or branding, as in
* Remove from the end: hardware designations such as "for x86", "32-bit", "ppc".
* Remove from the end: software framework names such as "Qt", "Gtk", "Wx", "Java", "Oracle JVM", etc.
Exception: the framework is the product being Casked: [java.rb](../Casks/java.rb).
* Remove from the end: localization strings such as "en-US"
* Pay attention to details, for example: `"Git Hub" != "git_hub" != "GitHub"`
* If the result of that process is something unhelpful, such as `Macintosh Installer`,
then just create the best name you can, based on the developer's web page.
* If the result conflicts with the name of an existing Cask, make yours unique
by prepending the name of the vendor or developer, followed by a separator.
Example: [unison.rb](../Casks/unison.rb) and [panic-unison.rb](../Casks/panic-unison.rb).
* Inevitably, there are a small number of exceptions not covered by the rules.
Don't hesitate to [contact the maintainers](../../../issues) if you have a problem.
### Canonical Names of `pkg`-based Installers
* The Canonical Name of a `pkg` may be more tricky to determine than that
of an App. If a `pkg` installs an App, then use that App name with the
rules above. If not, just create the best name you can, based on the
developer's web page.
### Canonical Names of non-App Software
* Currently, naming rules are not well-defined for Preference Panes,
QuickLook plugins, and other types of software installable by
homebrew-cask. Just create the best name you can, based on the filename
on disk or the developer's web page. Watch out for duplicates.
## Cask Name
The "Cask name" is the primary identifier for a package in our project. It's
the string people will use to interact with the Cask on their system.
To get from the App's canonical name to the Cask name:
* convert all letters to lower case
* hyphens stay hyphens
* spaces become hyphens
* digits stay digits
* delete any character which is not alphanumeric or hyphen
* collapse a series of multiple hyphens into one hyphen
* delete a leading hyphen
* a leading digit gets spelled out into English: `1password` becomes `onepassword`
Casks are stored in a Ruby file matching their name. If possible, avoid creating
Cask files which differ only by the placement of hyphens.
## Cask Class
Casks are implemented as Ruby classes, so a Cask's "class" needs to be a
valid Ruby class name.
When converting a __Cask name__ to its corresponding __class name__:
* convert to UpperCamelCase
* wherever a hyphen occurs in the __Cask name__, remove the hyphen and
create a case change in the __class name__
## Cask Naming Examples
These illustrate most of the naming rules:
App Name on Disk | Canonical App Name | Cask Name | Cask File | Cask Class
`Audio Hijack Pro.app` | Audio Hijack Pro | `audio-hijack-pro` | `audio-hijack-pro.rb` | `AudioHijackPro`
`VLC.app` | VLC | `vlc` | `vlc.rb` | `Vlc`
`BetterTouchTool.app` | BetterTouchTool | `bettertouchtool` | `bettertouchtool.rb` | `Bettertouchtool`
`LPK25 Editor.app` | LPK25 Editor | `lpk25-editor` | `lpk25-editor.rb` | `Lpk25Editor`
`Sublime Text 2.app` | Sublime Text | `sublime-text` | `sublime-text.rb` | `SublimeText`
`1Password.app` | 1Password | `onepassword` | `onepassword.rb` | `Onepassword`