
101 lines
2.4 KiB

#ifdef DEBUG
# define DPRINT(S) { printf("Debug: %s\n",S); }
# define DMPRINT(S,I,J,K) { printf(S,I,J,K); }
# define DPRINT(S)
# define DMPRINT(SI,J,K)
#define INFINITY 1e100
#define MAX_TREE_DEPTH 20
#define MAX_STACK_ENTRIES 1000 /* max number of operators in one expression
I hope it is enough :-) */
typedef double DBL;
typedef struct expr_node_struct NODE;
typedef struct func_info_struct FUNC_INFO;
typedef void (func_type)(void);
typedef func_type (*expr_func[3]);
struct func_info_struct {
char *name;
char nofp; /* number of parameters, nofp < 0 -=> arbitrary number of parameters */
char nofd; /* number of data entries (doubles) - for vectors and doubles nofp==0 || nofd==0 */
char ret_type; /* type of return: 1,3,4, -1 (whatever) */
char *paramtypes;
expr_func *funcs;
expr_func last_func; /* this function is inserted to the stack as last... */
struct expr_node_struct {
DBL data[4]; /* float values - such as constants and vectors ((rgb) or (rgbt) vectors) */
NODE *offsprings[MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS]; /* too lazy to mallocate.... */
int noo; /* number of offsprings in expression tree */
char tof; /* type of return,.. */
struct expr_compiled_struct {
func_type *funcs;
DBL *data;
NODE *nodes;
extern FUNC_INFO FuncInfo[];
extern int Number_of_Functions;
extern DBL x_val, y_val;
void eval_xy( DBL *, DBL, DBL);
void prepare_node( NODE *n);
NODE *node_copy(NODE *n);
void destroy_node( NODE *n);
void expr_fprint( FILE *, int, NODE *);
int expr_sprint(char *s, NODE *n);
Some useful functions
NODE *parse_prefix_expression(char **string);
DBL dblrand();
void init_random();
void expr_init();
DBL solid_noise (DBL, DBL);
DBL double_and (DBL p1, DBL p2);
DBL double_xor (DBL p1, DBL p2);
DBL double_or (DBL p1, DBL p2);
/* this pointers are necessary for computation */
extern NODE **n_top;
extern DBL *r_top, *g_top, *b_top,* alfa_top;
extern DBL *data_top;
/* wrapping functions - serve to project interval <-infty,infty> into <0..255> */
/* simple: real to color... */
extern unsigned char (*wrap_func)(DBL);
unsigned char wrap_func_cut(DBL);
unsigned char wrap_func_rep(DBL);
unsigned char wrap_func_pingpong(DBL);