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How to do a GIMP release
a check-list for doing a GIMP release
( ) Make sure we have a <release> tag inside
desktop/ for this upcoming
version, with type="development" for development or RC releases
(set type="stable", or just no type for stable releases).
Some installers may feature more prominently software with recent
releases if the appropriate tag was set (e.g. GNOME Software and
Flathub have a "Recent Releases" category).
If a description is added, it may be featured in installers and
will be translatable (use <_p> or <_li> tags to make the strings
localizable). So it is better to prepare the description text as
early as possible.
( ) Announce a string freeze on the GIMP Developer mailing list.
Mention that a release is planned, what branch will be frozen, and
how long the string freeze is going to last. Plan for a couple of
weeks at least. No translatable strings must be touched during
this time. An example announcement message is:
This rule is important for stable releases but can be more lax for
unstable releases.
( ) Announce the planned release on the GNOME I18N mailing list.
Let them know about the planned release, what branch it's based
on, and how many changes to expect. An example message is:
( ) Notify the maintainers of the official builds for Windows
(irc:ender/@jernejs), macOS (irc:Samm/@samm-git and
irc:DesMcG/@DesMcGuinness) and flatpak (irc:Jehan/@Jehan,
@harrymichal and @hfiguiere) of the upcoming release so they have
some time to sort out issues with their builds.
( ) Freeze the repository a few days before release, except for
absolute obvious bug fixes. Ask packagers to make a test package
based on current HEAD of the release branch. Post links to these
test packages on a bug report titled "GIMP X.Y.Z release testing".
Propose all willing testers to try these packages.
( ) Wait until the date specified in the announcements, use this time
to get bug fixes applied which don't modify strings.
( ) Check that you have working ssh access to and
that you are a member of the gimpftpadmin group. If not, ask
Michael Natterer, Michael Schumacher or Jehan for assistance.
( ) Check that has enough space to upload the
release and to place it into the download area. If not, make
place or ask Michael Natterer, Michael Schumacher or Jehan to do
( ) Check that you have admin access to
and commit access to the gimp-web module, or that someone can do
the changes for you.
( ) Check if NEWS, authors.xml (and the generated AUTHORS), README or
INSTALL need to be updated, as well as any release notes on Don't forget to add any "Index of new symbols in GIMP
3.x" to the gtk-doc generated devel-docs.
( ) Does the splash screen need to be changed?
Splash requirements:
[ ] Accepted license: a libre license, such as CC 0, CC by, CC
by-sa or Free Art.
[ ] XCF file must be provided.
[ ] Minimum size: full HD (splash images will be scaled down to 1/2
of the main display when too big; but they won't be scaled up.
Therefore anything smaller than fullHD will look tiny and
unsuited on a 4K or higher res display).
[ ] Loading text will appear in bottom quarter, so image contents
must be adapted.
( ) Make sure that changes which would deserve some tour get the
appropriate "demo" attribute in desktop/
as documented in
( ) If ever the actual release date evolved and is different from the
planned date, update the "date" in the <release> tag of the appdata
in: desktop/
( ) Check that our Continuous Integration builds are working fine for
the branch we plan to release:
Check that all jobs are successful because we should not release
with code known not to build in some conditions.
The following procedure allows to simulate a release:
[ ] Go to
[ ] Click the "Run pipeline" button.
[ ] Choose the appropriate branch and add the variable
`CI_COMMIT_TAG` to any value (it will simulate a build with a
tag, which is characteristical of a release).
[ ] The following jobs should be triggered:
build-image, deps-debian, gimp-distcheck-debian, sources,
deps-win32-native, gimp-win32-native, packaging-win32-native,
deps-win64-native, gimp-win64-native, packaging-win64-native
and win-installer-nightly.
[ ] Check in particular:
* the job `win-installer-nightly` should contain a working
Windows installer and 2 checksum files;
* the job `sources` should contain a tar.bz2 tarball and 2
checksum files.
If these steps work fine, we are ready to tag and publish.
Note: the test build will likely take up to 2 hours, especially
because of the Windows installer step. And of course, if you ever
discover any build or run into issues, the time will be multiplied.
It is advised to take this in consideration. This test step could
possibly be run well in advance, even the day before, considering
you don't plan to push too many changes at the last minute.
( ) Bump the version number to an even micro in and
commit this change. It should be the version number of the
release you are about to make. Releases always have even micro
[ ] In, modify gimp_micro_version accordingly.
[ ] In, modify gimp_interface_age accordingly.
( ) Bump the version in project() of identically as the
version set in
( ) Commit the version bumps only and push these. Since there was no
code change since the last CI check, the CI should build fine once
again. Make sure of it.
( ) Tag the release (don't forget to push the tag)
git tag -s GIMP_2_x_y
git push origin GIMP_2_x_y
All release tags are signed in order for the authenticity and
origin of the release to be publicly verified.
( ) Gitlab will run a new CI pipeline specifically for the tag.
Once it is done, you will find a tarball, a Windows installer,
SHA256 and SHA512 checksum files on the artifacts of the job
`sources` and `win-installer-nightly`.
Direct links, for instance for the GIMP_2_99_6 tag, would be:
( ) Ask the Windows installer maintainers to test the installer then to
sign it if all looks fine.
( ) Publish dist tarballs:
[ ] Upload the 3 files (tar.bz2 tarball and 2 checksums) to
/gimp_ftp/incoming/ on (do not upload to your
home first as it would mess up some SELinux flags).
[ ] Copy the tarball to its final destination in the download
area (/gimp_ftp/pub/gimp/). Really use "cp" not "mv" or
SELinux will make the uploaded file unreadable to the web
server unless some obscure status bit is toggled.
[ ] Update the `SHA256SUMS` and `SHA512SUMS` files present in the
same download area by adding the computed sha256 and sha512
Note: do not add new MD5 sums anymore. They are considered
[ ] Update the 0.0_LATEST-IS- file in the corresponding directory
on the download server.
[ ] Change permissions of the new files to make them writable by
the 'gimpftpadmin' group. This will allow other members of
this group to correct mistakes and to update the
0.0_LATEST-IS- file next time.
( ) Bump the version number (past the tagged version) in
to the next odd micro and commit this change. GIT versions always
have odd micro numbers.
[ ] In, modify gimp_micro_version accordingly.
[ ] In, modify gimp_interface_age accordingly.
( ) Bump the version number in to the same value as in
( ) Add the next version milestone on GIMP's Gitlab:
Note: we don't close immediately the milestone of the just-released
version as we may still assign some reports to it, but older
milestones might be closed (up to what feels the most needed for
organization of reports).
( ) Publish the Windows installer with a similar procedure to the
source tarballs. The checksum files will probably have to be
regenerated after the installer's signature.
( ) Check out or update the 'gimp-web' module, check out its testing
[ ] Update the file 'content/gimp_versions.json' adding the
version, release date, tarball name and its SHA256 and SHA512
hashes under "STABLE" for stable releases or "DEVELOPMENT" for
dev releases, as well as for any already available packages.
Note: do not add new MD5 sums anymore.
[ ] Create a news items for the release in content/news/
[ ] Run `make` in GIMP repository. This will generate
the file ``. Move it to ./content/about/ on
the 'gimp-web' module and commit it.
[ ] Commit and push the changes to the `testing` branch, the web
server should then update itself soon (it checks for updates
every 5 minutes).
Go to to verify the changes.
[ ] Do not merge to `master` branch yet. We usually wait for a few
packages to be available (often at least the Flatpak and
Windows installer) and published to the download server when
[ ] For binary packages, we also usually publish web torrent files
with the `tools/download/mt` tool. Here is an example of
command as run for the revision 2 of GIMP 2.10.24 installer:
$ tools/downloads/mt -c "GIMP 2.10.24 Installer for Microsoft Windows - 32 and 64 Bit - Update 2: custom GTK fixes for drag&drop issues with certain screen grabbers (issue #1082), tiny SVG icons (issue #1563) and pasting images from some other applications (issue #3481)" -p "v2.10/windows" -m "./tools/downloads/downloads.http.txt" gimp-2.10.24-setup-2.exe
[ ] Check regularly that most (ideally all) mirrors synced the new
files. The following commands allows to query all mirrors:
$ tools/downloads/ --ssh-user $SSH_USER # where $SSH_USER is your user on server.
$ tools/downloads/
We want to hold the news a bit because if we publish without
binary installers, everyone desperately search for them; and if
we publish with most mirrors lagging behind, many download
errors will occur.
( ) When confident about the installers availability, if this is a
stable release, create a new package on the Microsoft Partner
Center so that GIMP becomes available on the Microsoft Store:
The URL to provide is the mirror URL, not the direct URL.
Current people with admin access to this platform:
irc:ender/@jernejs and irc:Jehan/@Jehan.
( ) Announce the release on and send a release announcement to
the gimp-user and gimp-developer mailing lists.
[ ] Check out the gimp-web master branch and merge or cherry-pick
the changes you did in the testing branch.
[ ] Push the changes, the web server should then update itself
soon (it checks for updates every 15 minutes).
Go to to verify the changes.
[ ] Due to the tendency of news sites to front-run release
articles even before actual announcements appear, publish
everything as fast as possible.
( ) Grab a properly chilled beverage and enjoy yourself.
Optional: debug the source tarball
The source tarball is now created by the `gimp-distcheck-debian` CI job.
Nevertheless in case it were to fail, and you need to debug or
exceptionally create your own local tarball for publishing, here would
be the manual version:
( ) Make dist tarballs [DEPRECATED - taken from CI jobs]
🛈 These instructions are left for information purpose and so that
maintainers remember the way to test locally that distribution
tarball creation works fine. Nevertheless this is already what the
continuous integration does (jobs `gimp-distcheck-debian` and
`sources` in particular) from a clean slate. So as we check the CI
success, this step is now unecessary. Moreover we should now always
publish the tarball prepared by the CI, not by a local build, for
purpose of process transparency.
[ ] Start with a checkout of the GIMP tree. Make sure the
checkout is up to date, clean from uncommitted changes.
[ ] Run 'git clean -x -d -f' (Warning: you will lose any files
that are not added).
[ ] Run 'git diff'. This should not generate any output, or your
tree has local modifications.
[ ] Run ./ --enable-gtk-doc
[ ] Run 'make' to do a complete build of the source tree.
[ ] Run 'make distcheck'. Avoid passing make -j since that can
cause mysterious fails.
[ ] If changes to generated files are made by the above command
(run 'git diff' to find out), commit+push them and repeat
from the beginning of this sub-section.
[ ] If there are problems reported by 'make distcheck', fix
them. If you made changes in the tree to get 'make distcheck'
running, commit+push them and repeat from the beginning of
this sub-section.
[ ] If 'make distcheck' passed and created tarballs, go to the
next item.
[ ] A successful run of the 'make distcheck' would create the final
dist tarballs. It will include a ChangeLog generated from the
'git log'. Note that we don't bother with any release commit,
that's what tags are for (see below).