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There are a few environment variables, options or other more-or-less
known tricks to debug GIMP. Let's try to add them here for reminder and
## Basics ##
The basic thing is to build babl, GEGL and GIMP with `--enable-debug`.
Note that if you also built glib from source with `--enable-debug`,
every GObject destroyed are apparently overwritten with values invalid
as pointers, so dereferencing one after destruction usually leads to a
crash, which is a good way to find some more vicious bugs.
## Debug logs ##
You can see various GIMP_LOG() calls in the code. These will only be
outputted when you set GIMP_DEBUG environment variable to a
comma-separated list of domain.
For instance, for `GIMP_LOG (XCF, "some string")` to be outputted,
run GIMP like this:
> GIMP_DEBUG=xcf gimp-2.10
Special flags are:
- "all" to output all domain logs;
- "list-all" to get a list of available domains.
## Debugging a warning ##
If you encounter a CRITICAL or WARNING message on console, you can make
so that GIMP crashes on it, which will make it very easy to be tracked
down in a debugger (for instance GDB), by running GIMP with:
> gimp-2.10 --g-fatal-warnings
Note that if all you want is a stacktrace, it is not necessary anymore
to use a debugger and --g-fatal-warnings. In Preferences > Debugging,
make sure that all type of errors are debugged, and that you have either
gdb or lldb installed. Then a graphical dialog will automatically appear
upon encountering any WARNING or CRITICAL with backtraces and variable
Alternatively running GIMP with the CLI option --stack-trace-mode to
values "query" or "always" will output a stacktrace too on terminal.
But this happens only for crashes, so it still requires to use
--g-fatal-warnings for WARNINGs and CRITICALs.
Note: on Windows, even the debugging GUI happens only for crashes and
requires that you built with Dr. Mingw dependency.
## Debugging GTK+ ##
You can use GtkInspector by running GIMP with:
> GTK_DEBUG=interactive gimp-2.99
Alternatively you may also start it at anytime with ctrl-shift-d
shortcut, if you first enable with:
> gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.Debug enable-inspector-keybinding true
See also:
## Debugging GEGL code ##
You may encounter this kind of warning upon exiting GIMP:
> EEEEeEeek! 2 GeglBuffers leaked
To debug GeglBuffer leaks, make sure you built GEGL with --enable-debug
and set the environment variable GEGL_DEBUG to "buffer-alloc".
Your system also needs to have the header "execinfo.h".
## Debugging babl ##
Profile conversion is done with babl by default when possible, which is
much faster.
Setting GIMP_COLOR_TRANSFORM_DISABLE_BABL environment variable switch
back to the old lcms implementation, which can be useful for comparison.
## Debugging X Window System error ##
Make X calls synchronous so that your crashes happen immediately with:
> gimp-2.10 --sync
You can also break on `gdk_x_error()`.
## Debugging on Windows ##
Even when run from a `cmd`, the standard and error outputs are not
displayed in the terminal. For this reason, unstable builds (i.e. with
odd minor version) pop up a debug console at start.
If you are building stable versions of GIMP for debugging and want this
debug console as well, configure with `--enable-win32-debug-console`.
## Debugging icons ##
See file `devel-docs/icons.txt` to learn more about our icons, and in
particular the environment variable GIMP_ICONS_LIKE_A_BOSS.
## Debugging plug-ins ##
See file `devel-docs/debug-plug-ins.txt` for usage of environment
The CLI option --stack-trace-mode also applies to plug-ins, in order to
output a back trace on terminal.
## Performance logs ##
See file `devel-docs/performance-logs/` for information
about GIMP performance logs, which can help during optimization.