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/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
* Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Sabo
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "config.h"
#include <gegl.h>
#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
extern "C"
#include "paint-types.h"
#include "operations/layer-modes/gimp-layer-modes.h"
#include "core/gimp-parallel.h"
#include "core/gimptempbuf.h"
#include "operations/layer-modes/gimpoperationlayermode.h"
#include "gimppaintcore-loops.h"
} /* extern "C" */
/* In order to avoid iterating over the same region of the same buffers
* multiple times, when calling more than one of the paint-core loop functions
* (hereafter referred to as "algorithms") in succession, we provide a single
* function, gimp_paint_core_loops_process(), which can be used to perform
* multiple algorithms in a row. This function takes a pointer to a
* GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams structure, providing the parameters for the
* algorithms, and a GimpPaintCoreLoopsAlgorithm bitset, which specifies the
* set of algorithms to run; currently, the algorithms are always run in a
* fixed order. For convenience, we provide public functions for the
* individual algorithms, but they're merely wrappers around
* gimp_paint_core_loops_process().
* We use some C++ magic to statically generate specialized versions of
* gimp_paint_core_loops_process() for all possible combinations of algorithms,
* and, where relevant, formats and input parameters, and to dispatch to the
* correct version at runtime.
* To achieve this, each algorithm provides two components:
* - The algorithm class template, which implements the algorithm, following
* a common interface. See the AlgorithmBase class for a description of
* the interface. Each algorithm class takes its base class as a template
* parameter, which allows us to construct a class hierarchy corresponding
* to a specific set of algorithms. Some classes in the hierarchy are not
* algorithms themselves, but are rather helpers, which provide some
* functionality to the algorithms further down the hierarchy, such as
* access to specific buffers.
* - A dispatch function, which takes the input parameters, the requested set
* of algorithms, the (type of) the current algorithm hierarchy, and a
* visitor object. The function calls the visitor with a (potentially)
* modified hierarchy, depending on the input. Ihe dispatch function for
* an algorithm checks if the requested set of algorithms contains a
* certain algorithm, adds the said algorithm to the hierarchy accordingly,
* and calls the visitor with the new hierarchy. See the AlgorithmDispatch
* class, which provides a dispatch-function implementation which
* algorithms can use instead of providing their own dispatch function.
* Helper classes in the hierarchy may also provide dispatch functions,
* which likewise modify the hierarchy based on the input parameters. For
* example, the dispatch_paint_mask() function adds a certain PaintMask
* specialization to the hierarchy, depending on the format of the paint
* mask buffer; this can be used to specialize algorithms based on the mask
* format; an algorithm that depends on the paint mask may dispatch through
* this function, before modifying the hierarchy itself.
* The dispatch() function is used to construct an algorithm hierarchy by
* dispatching through a list of functions. gimp_paint_core_loops_process()
* calls dispatch() with the full list of algorithm dispatch functions,
* receiving in return the algorithm hierarchy matching the input. It then
* uses the algorithm interface to perform the actual processing.
template <class T>
struct identity
using type = T;
/* dispatch():
* Takes a list of dispatch function objects, and calls each of them, in order,
* with the same 'params' and 'algorithms' parameters, passing 'algorithm' as
* the input hierarchy to the first dispatch function, and passing the output
* hierarchy of the previous dispatch function as the input hierarchy for the
* next dispatch function. Calls 'visitor' with the output hierarchy of the
* last dispatch function.
* Each algorithm hierarchy should provide a 'filter' static data member, and
* each dispatch function object should provide a 'mask' static data member.
* If the bitwise-AND of the current hierarchy's 'filter' member and the
* current dispatch function's 'mask' member is equal to 'mask', the dispatch
* function is skipped. This can be used to make sure that a class appears
* only once in the hierarchy, even if its dispatch function is used multiple
* times, or to prevent an algorithm from being dispatched, if it cannot be
* used together with another algorithm.
template <class Visitor,
class Algorithm>
static inline void
dispatch (Visitor visitor,
const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
GimpPaintCoreLoopsAlgorithm algorithms,
identity<Algorithm> algorithm)
visitor (algorithm);
template <class Algorithm,
class Dispatch,
gboolean = (Algorithm::filter & Dispatch::mask) == Dispatch::mask>
struct dispatch_impl
template <class Visitor,
class... DispatchRest>
static void
apply (Visitor visitor,
const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
GimpPaintCoreLoopsAlgorithm algorithms,
identity<Algorithm> algorithm,
Dispatch disp,
DispatchRest... disp_rest)
disp (
[&] (auto algorithm)
dispatch (visitor, params, algorithms, algorithm, disp_rest...);
params, algorithms, algorithm);
template <class Algorithm,
class Dispatch>
struct dispatch_impl<Algorithm, Dispatch, TRUE>
template <class Visitor,
class... DispatchRest>
static void
apply (Visitor visitor,
const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
GimpPaintCoreLoopsAlgorithm algorithms,
identity<Algorithm> algorithm,
Dispatch disp,
DispatchRest... disp_rest)
dispatch (visitor, params, algorithms, algorithm, disp_rest...);
template <class Visitor,
class Algorithm,
class Dispatch,
class... DispatchRest>
static inline void
dispatch (Visitor visitor,
const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
GimpPaintCoreLoopsAlgorithm algorithms,
identity<Algorithm> algorithm,
Dispatch disp,
DispatchRest... disp_rest)
dispatch_impl<Algorithm, Dispatch>::apply (
visitor, params, algorithms, algorithm, disp, disp_rest...);
/* value_to_float():
* Converts a component value to float.
static inline gfloat
value_to_float (guint8 value)
return value / 255.0f;
static inline gfloat
value_to_float (gfloat value)
return value;
template <class T>
static inline gfloat
value_to_float (T value) = delete;
/* AlgorithmBase:
* The base class of the algorithm hierarchy.
struct AlgorithmBase
/* Used to filter-out dispatch functions; see the description of dispatch().
* Algorithms that redefine 'filter' should bitwise-OR their filter with that
* of their base class.
static constexpr guint filter = 0;
/* See CanvasBufferIterator. */
static constexpr gint canvas_buffer_iterator = -1;
static constexpr GeglAccessMode canvas_buffer_access = {};
/* The current number of iterators used by the hierarchy. Algorithms should
* use the 'n_iterators' value of their base class as the base-index for
* their iterators, and redefine 'n_iterators' by adding the number of
* iterators they use to this value.
static constexpr gint n_iterators = 0;
/* Non-static data members should be initialized in the constructor, and
* should not be further modified.
AlgorithmBase (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params)
/* Algorithms should store their dynamic state in the 'State' member class
* template. This template will be instantiated with the most-derived type
* of the hierarchy, which allows an algorithm to depend on the properties of
* its descendants. Algorithms that provide their own 'State' class should
* derive it from the 'State' class of their base class, passing 'Derived' as
* the template argument.
* Algorithms can be run in parallel on multiple threads. In this case, each
* thread uses its own 'State' object, while the algorithm object itself is
* either shared, or is a copy of a shared algorithm object. Either way, the
* algorithm object itself is immutable, while the state object is mutable.
template <class Derived>
struct State
/* The 'init()' function is called once per state object before processing
* starts, and should initialize the state object, and, if necessary, the
* iterator.
* 'params' is the same parameter struct passed to the constructor. 'state'
* is the state object. 'iter' is the iterator; each distinct state object
* uses a distinct iterator. 'roi' is the full region to be processed.
* 'area' is the subregion to be processed by the current state object.
* An algorithm that overrides this function should call the 'init()'
* function of its base class first, using the same arguments.
template <class Derived>
init (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
State<Derived> *state,
GeglBufferIterator *iter,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
const GeglRectangle *area) const
/* The 'init_step()' function is called once after each
* 'gegl_buffer_iterator_next()' call, and should perform any necessary
* initialization required before processing the current chunk.
* The parameters are the same as for 'init()'.
* An algorithm that overrides this function should call the 'init_step()'
* function of its base class first, using the same arguments.
template <class Derived>
init_step (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
State<Derived> *state,
GeglBufferIterator *iter,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
const GeglRectangle *area) const
/* The 'process_row()' function is called for each row in the current chunk,
* and should perform the actual processing.
* The parameters are the same as for 'init()', with the addition of 'y',
* which is the current row.
* An algorithm that overrides this function should call the 'process_row()'
* function of its base class first, using the same arguments.
template <class Derived>
process_row (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
State<Derived> *state,
GeglBufferIterator *iter,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
const GeglRectangle *area,
gint y) const
/* BasicDispatch:
* A class template implementing a simple dispatch function object, which adds
* an algorithm to the hierarchy unconditionally. 'AlgorithmTemplate' is the
* alogithm class template (usually a helper class, rather than an actual
* algorithm), and 'Mask' is the dispatch function mask, as described in
* 'dispatch()'.
template <template <class Base> class AlgorithmTemplate,
guint Mask>
struct BasicDispatch
static constexpr guint mask = Mask;
template <class Visitor,
class Algorithm>
operator () (Visitor visitor,
const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
GimpPaintCoreLoopsAlgorithm algorithms,
identity<Algorithm> algorithm) const
visitor (identity<AlgorithmTemplate<Algorithm>> ());
/* AlgorithmDispatch:
* A class template implementing a dispatch function suitable for dispatching
* algorithms. 'AlgorithmTemplate' is the algorithm class template, 'Mask' is
* the dispatch function mask, as described in 'dispatch()', and 'Dependencies'
* is a list of (types of) dispatch functions the algorithm depends on, usd as
* explained below.
* 'AlgorithmDispatch' adds the algorithm to the hierarchy if it's included in
* the set of requested algorithms; specifically, if the bitwise-AND of the
* requested-algorithms bitset and of 'Mask' is equal to 'Mask'.
* Before adding the algorithm to the hierarchy, the hierarchy is augmented by
* dispatching through the list of dependencies, in order.
template <template <class Base> class AlgorithmTemplate,
guint Mask,
class... Dependencies>
struct AlgorithmDispatch
static constexpr guint mask = Mask;
template <class Visitor,
class Algorithm>
operator () (Visitor visitor,
const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
GimpPaintCoreLoopsAlgorithm algorithms,
identity<Algorithm> algorithm) const
if ((algorithms & mask) == mask)
dispatch (
[&] (auto algorithm)
using NewAlgorithm = typename decltype (algorithm)::type;
visitor (identity<AlgorithmTemplate<NewAlgorithm>> ());
params, algorithms, algorithm, Dependencies ()...);
visitor (algorithm);
/* PaintBuf, dispatch_paint_buf():
* An algorithm helper class, providing access to the paint buffer. Algorithms
* that use the paint buffer should specify 'dispatch_paint_buf()' as a
* dependency, and access 'PaintBuf' members through their base type/subobject.
template <class Base>
struct PaintBuf : Base
/* Component type of the paint buffer. */
using paint_type = gfloat;
static constexpr guint filter = Base::filter | ALGORITHM_PAINT_BUF;
/* Paint buffer stride, in 'paint_type' elements. */
gint paint_stride;
/* Pointer to the start of the paint buffer data. */
paint_type *paint_data;
PaintBuf (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params) :
Base (params)
paint_stride = gimp_temp_buf_get_width (params->paint_buf) * 4;
paint_data = (paint_type *) gimp_temp_buf_get_data (params->paint_buf);
static BasicDispatch<PaintBuf, ALGORITHM_PAINT_BUF> dispatch_paint_buf;
/* PaintMask, dispatch_paint_mask():
* An algorithm helper class, providing access to the paint mask. Algorithms
* that use the paint mask should specify 'dispatch_paint_mask()' as a
* dependency, and access 'PaintMask' members through their base type/
* subobject.
template <class Base,
class MaskType>
struct PaintMask : Base
/* Component type of the paint mask. */
using mask_type = MaskType;
static constexpr guint filter = Base::filter | ALGORITHM_PAINT_MASK;
/* Paint mask stride, in 'mask_type' elements. */
gint mask_stride;
/* Pointer to the start of the paint mask data, taking the mask offset into
* account.
const mask_type *mask_data;
PaintMask (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params) :
Base (params)
mask_stride = gimp_temp_buf_get_width (params->paint_mask);
mask_data =
(const mask_type *) gimp_temp_buf_get_data (params->paint_mask) +
params->paint_mask_offset_y * mask_stride +
struct DispatchPaintMask
static constexpr guint mask = ALGORITHM_PAINT_MASK;
template <class Visitor,
class Algorithm>
operator () (Visitor visitor,
const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
GimpPaintCoreLoopsAlgorithm algorithms,
identity<Algorithm> algorithm) const
const Babl *mask_format = gimp_temp_buf_get_format (params->paint_mask);
if (mask_format == babl_format ("Y u8"))
visitor (identity<PaintMask<Algorithm, guint8>> ());
else if (mask_format == babl_format ("Y float"))
visitor (identity<PaintMask<Algorithm, gfloat>> ());
g_warning ("Mask format not supported: %s", babl_get_name (mask_format));
} static dispatch_paint_mask;
/* Stipple, dispatch_stipple():
* An algorithm helper class, providing access to the 'stipple' parameter.
* Algorithms that use the 'stipple' parameter should specify
* 'dispatch_stipple()' as a dependency, and access 'Stipple' members through
* their base type/subobject.
template <class Base,
gboolean StippleFlag>
struct Stipple : Base
static constexpr guint filter = Base::filter | ALGORITHM_STIPPLE;
/* The value of the 'stipple' parameter, usable as a constant expression. */
static constexpr gboolean stipple = StippleFlag;
using Base::Base;
struct DispatchStipple
static constexpr guint mask = ALGORITHM_STIPPLE;
template <class Visitor,
class Algorithm>
operator () (Visitor visitor,
const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
GimpPaintCoreLoopsAlgorithm algorithms,
identity<Algorithm> algorithm) const
if (params->stipple)
visitor (identity<Stipple<Algorithm, TRUE>> ());
visitor (identity<Stipple<Algorithm, FALSE>> ());
} static dispatch_stipple;
/* CanvasBufferIterator:
* An algorithm helper class, providing iterator-access to the canvas buffer.
* Algorithms that iterate over the canvas buffer should derive from this
* class, and access its members through their base type/subobject.
* 'Base' is the base class to use, which should normally be the base template-
* parameter class passed to the algorithm. 'Access' specifies the desired
* iterator access to the canvas buffer.
template <class Base,
guint Access>
struct CanvasBufferIterator : Base
/* The iterator index of the canvas buffer. */
static constexpr gint canvas_buffer_iterator =
Base::canvas_buffer_iterator < 0 ? Base::n_iterators :
/* Used internally. */
static constexpr GeglAccessMode canvas_buffer_access =
(GeglAccessMode) (Base::canvas_buffer_access | Access);
/* The total number of iterators used by the hierarchy, up to, and including,
* the current class.
static constexpr gint n_iterators =
Base::canvas_buffer_iterator < 0 ? Base::n_iterators + 1:
using Base::Base;
template <class Derived>
using State = typename Base::template State<Derived>;
template <class Derived>
init (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
State<Derived> *state,
GeglBufferIterator *iter,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
const GeglRectangle *area) const
Base::init (params, state, iter, roi, area);
if (Base::canvas_buffer_iterator < 0)
gegl_buffer_iterator_add (iter, params->canvas_buffer, area, 0,
babl_format ("Y float"),
/* CombinePaintMaskToCanvasMaskToPaintBufAlpha,
* dispatch_combine_paint_mask_to_canvas_mask_to_paint_buf_alpha():
* An algorithm class, providing an optimized version combining both the
* algorithms. Used instead of the individual implementations, when both
* algorithms are requested.
template <class Base>
struct CombinePaintMaskToCanvasMaskToPaintBufAlpha :
CanvasBufferIterator<Base, GEGL_BUFFER_READWRITE>
using base_type = CanvasBufferIterator<Base, GEGL_BUFFER_READWRITE>;
using mask_type = typename base_type::mask_type;
static constexpr guint filter =
base_type::filter |
using base_type::base_type;
template <class Derived>
struct State : base_type::template State<Derived>
gfloat *canvas_pixel;
template <class Derived>
init_step (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
State<Derived> *state,
GeglBufferIterator *iter,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
const GeglRectangle *area) const
base_type::init_step (params, state, iter, roi, area);
state->canvas_pixel =
(gfloat *) iter->data[base_type::canvas_buffer_iterator];
template <class Derived>
process_row (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
State<Derived> *state,
GeglBufferIterator *iter,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
const GeglRectangle *area,
gint y) const
base_type::process_row (params, state, iter, roi, area, y);
gint mask_offset = (y - roi->y) * this->mask_stride +
(iter->roi[0].x - roi->x);
const mask_type *mask_pixel = &this->mask_data[mask_offset];
gint paint_offset = (y - roi->y) * this->paint_stride +
(iter->roi[0].x - roi->x) * 4;
gfloat *paint_pixel = &this->paint_data[paint_offset];
gint x;
for (x = 0; x < iter->roi[0].width; x++)
if (base_type::stipple)
state->canvas_pixel[0] += (1.0 - state->canvas_pixel[0]) *
value_to_float (*mask_pixel) *
if (params->paint_opacity > state->canvas_pixel[0])
state->canvas_pixel[0] += (params->paint_opacity - state->canvas_pixel[0]) *
value_to_float (*mask_pixel) *
paint_pixel[3] *= state->canvas_pixel[0];
mask_pixel += 1;
state->canvas_pixel += 1;
paint_pixel += 4;
static AlgorithmDispatch<
decltype (dispatch_paint_buf),
decltype (dispatch_paint_mask),
decltype (dispatch_stipple)
/* CombinePaintMaskToCanvasMask, dispatch_combine_paint_mask_to_canvas_mask():
* An algorithm class, implementing the COMBINE_PAINT_MASK_TO_CANVAS_MASK
* algorithm.
template <class Base>
struct CombinePaintMaskToCanvasMask :
CanvasBufferIterator<Base, GEGL_BUFFER_READWRITE>
using base_type = CanvasBufferIterator<Base, GEGL_BUFFER_READWRITE>;
using mask_type = typename base_type::mask_type;
static constexpr guint filter =
base_type::filter |
using base_type::base_type;
template <class Derived>
struct State : base_type::template State<Derived>
gfloat *canvas_pixel;
template <class Derived>
init_step (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
State<Derived> *state,
GeglBufferIterator *iter,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
const GeglRectangle *area) const
base_type::init_step (params, state, iter, roi, area);
state->canvas_pixel =
(gfloat *) iter->data[base_type::canvas_buffer_iterator];
template <class Derived>
process_row (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
State<Derived> *state,
GeglBufferIterator *iter,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
const GeglRectangle *area,
gint y) const
base_type::process_row (params, state, iter, roi, area, y);
gint mask_offset = (y - roi->y) * this->mask_stride +
(iter->roi[0].x - roi->x);
const mask_type *mask_pixel = &this->mask_data[mask_offset];
gint x;
for (x = 0; x < iter->roi[0].width; x++)
if (base_type::stipple)
state->canvas_pixel[0] += (1.0 - state->canvas_pixel[0]) *
value_to_float (*mask_pixel) *
if (params->paint_opacity > state->canvas_pixel[0])
state->canvas_pixel[0] += (params->paint_opacity - state->canvas_pixel[0]) *
value_to_float (*mask_pixel) *
mask_pixel += 1;
state->canvas_pixel += 1;
static AlgorithmDispatch<
decltype (dispatch_paint_mask),
decltype (dispatch_stipple)
/* CanvasBufferToPaintBufAlpha, dispatch_canvas_buffer_to_paint_buf_alpha():
* An algorithm class, implementing the CANVAS_BUFFER_TO_PAINT_BUF_ALPHA
* algorithm.
template <class Base>
struct CanvasBufferToPaintBufAlpha : CanvasBufferIterator<Base,
using base_type = CanvasBufferIterator<Base, GEGL_BUFFER_READ>;
static constexpr guint filter =
base_type::filter |
using base_type::base_type;
template <class Derived>
struct State : base_type::template State<Derived>
const gfloat *canvas_pixel;
template <class Derived>
init_step (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
State<Derived> *state,
GeglBufferIterator *iter,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
const GeglRectangle *area) const
base_type::init_step (params, state, iter, roi, area);
state->canvas_pixel =
(const gfloat *) iter->data[base_type::canvas_buffer_iterator];
template <class Derived>
process_row (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
State<Derived> *state,
GeglBufferIterator *iter,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
const GeglRectangle *area,
gint y) const
base_type::process_row (params, state, iter, roi, area, y);
/* Copy the canvas buffer in rect to the paint buffer's alpha channel */
gint paint_offset = (y - roi->y) * this->paint_stride +
(iter->roi[0].x - roi->x) * 4;
gfloat *paint_pixel = &this->paint_data[paint_offset];
gint x;
for (x = 0; x < iter->roi[0].width; x++)
paint_pixel[3] *= *state->canvas_pixel;
state->canvas_pixel += 1;
paint_pixel += 4;
static AlgorithmDispatch<
decltype (dispatch_paint_buf)
/* PaintMaskToPaintBuffer, dispatch_paint_mask_to_paint_buffer():
* An algorithm class, implementing the PAINT_MASK_TO_PAINT_BUFFER algorithm.
template <class Base>
struct PaintMaskToPaintBuffer : Base
using mask_type = typename Base::mask_type;
static constexpr guint filter =
Base::filter |
PaintMaskToPaintBuffer (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params) :
Base (params)
/* Validate that the paint buffer is within the bounds of the paint mask */
g_return_if_fail (gimp_temp_buf_get_width (params->paint_buf) <=
gimp_temp_buf_get_width (params->paint_mask) -
g_return_if_fail (gimp_temp_buf_get_height (params->paint_buf) <=
gimp_temp_buf_get_height (params->paint_mask) -
template <class Derived>
using State = typename Base::template State<Derived>;
template <class Derived>
process_row (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
State<Derived> *state,
GeglBufferIterator *iter,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
const GeglRectangle *area,
gint y) const
Base::process_row (params, state, iter, roi, area, y);
gint paint_offset = (y - roi->y) * this->paint_stride +
(iter->roi[0].x - roi->x) * 4;
gfloat *paint_pixel = &this->paint_data[paint_offset];
gint mask_offset = (y - roi->y) * this->mask_stride +
(iter->roi[0].x - roi->x);
const mask_type *mask_pixel = &this->mask_data[mask_offset];
gint x;
for (x = 0; x < iter->roi[0].width; x++)
paint_pixel[3] *= value_to_float (*mask_pixel) * params->paint_opacity;
mask_pixel += 1;
paint_pixel += 4;
static AlgorithmDispatch<
decltype (dispatch_paint_buf),
decltype (dispatch_paint_mask)
/* DoLayerBlend, dispatch_do_layer_blend():
* An algorithm class, implementing the DO_LAYER_BLEND algorithm.
template <class Base>
struct DoLayerBlend : Base
static constexpr guint filter =
Base::filter |
static constexpr gint iterator_base = Base::n_iterators;
static constexpr gint n_iterators = Base::n_iterators + 3;
const Babl *iterator_format;
GimpOperationLayerMode layer_mode;
DoLayerBlend (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params) :
Base (params)
layer_mode.layer_mode = params->paint_mode;
layer_mode.opacity = params->image_opacity;
layer_mode.function = gimp_layer_mode_get_function (params->paint_mode);
layer_mode.blend_function = gimp_layer_mode_get_blend_function (params->paint_mode);
layer_mode.blend_space = gimp_layer_mode_get_blend_space (params->paint_mode);
layer_mode.composite_space = gimp_layer_mode_get_composite_space (params->paint_mode);
layer_mode.composite_mode = gimp_layer_mode_get_paint_composite_mode (params->paint_mode);
layer_mode.real_composite_mode = layer_mode.composite_mode;
iterator_format = gimp_layer_mode_get_format (params->paint_mode,
gimp_temp_buf_get_format (params->paint_buf));
g_return_if_fail (gimp_temp_buf_get_format (params->paint_buf) == iterator_format);
template <class Derived>
struct State : Base::template State<Derived>
GeglRectangle process_roi;
gfloat *out_pixel;
gfloat *in_pixel;
gfloat *mask_pixel;
gfloat *paint_pixel;
template <class Derived>
init (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
State<Derived> *state,
GeglBufferIterator *iter,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
const GeglRectangle *area) const
Base::init (params, state, iter, roi, area);
GeglRectangle mask_area = *area;
mask_area.x -= params->mask_offset_x;
mask_area.y -= params->mask_offset_y;
gegl_buffer_iterator_add (iter, params->dest_buffer, area, 0,
gegl_buffer_iterator_add (iter, params->src_buffer, area, 0,
if (params->mask_buffer)
gegl_buffer_iterator_add (iter, params->mask_buffer, &mask_area, 0,
babl_format ("Y float"),
template <class Derived>
init_step (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
State<Derived> *state,
GeglBufferIterator *iter,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
const GeglRectangle *area) const
Base::init_step (params, state, iter, roi, area);
state->out_pixel = (gfloat *) iter->data[iterator_base + 0];
state->in_pixel = (gfloat *) iter->data[iterator_base + 1];
state->mask_pixel = NULL;
state->paint_pixel = this->paint_data +
(iter->roi[0].y - roi->y) * this->paint_stride +
(iter->roi[0].x - roi->x) * 4;
if (params->mask_buffer)
state->mask_pixel = (gfloat *) iter->data[iterator_base + 2];
state->process_roi.x = iter->roi[0].x;
state->process_roi.width = iter->roi[0].width;
state->process_roi.height = 1;
template <class Derived>
process_row (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
State<Derived> *state,
GeglBufferIterator *iter,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
const GeglRectangle *area,
gint y) const
Base::process_row (params, state, iter, roi, area, y);
state->process_roi.y = y;
layer_mode.function ((GeglOperation*) &layer_mode,
state->in_pixel += iter->roi[0].width * 4;
state->out_pixel += iter->roi[0].width * 4;
if (params->mask_buffer)
state->mask_pixel += iter->roi[0].width;
state->paint_pixel += this->paint_stride;
static AlgorithmDispatch<
decltype (dispatch_paint_buf)
/* gimp_paint_core_loops_process():
* Performs the set of algorithms requested in 'algorithms', specified as a
* bitwise-OR of 'GimpPaintCoreLoopsAlgorithm' values, given the set of
* parameters 'params'.
* Note that the order in which the algorithms are performed is currently
* fixed, and follows their order of appearance in the
* 'GimpPaintCoreLoopsAlgorithm' enum.
gimp_paint_core_loops_process (const GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams *params,
GimpPaintCoreLoopsAlgorithm algorithms)
GeglRectangle roi;
if (params->paint_buf)
roi.x = params->paint_buf_offset_x;
roi.y = params->paint_buf_offset_y;
roi.width = gimp_temp_buf_get_width (params->paint_buf);
roi.height = gimp_temp_buf_get_height (params->paint_buf);
roi.x = params->paint_buf_offset_x;
roi.y = params->paint_buf_offset_y;
roi.width = gimp_temp_buf_get_width (params->paint_mask) -
roi.height = gimp_temp_buf_get_height (params->paint_mask) -
dispatch (
[&] (auto algorithm_type)
using Algorithm = typename decltype (algorithm_type)::type;
using State = typename Algorithm::template State<Algorithm>;
Algorithm algorithm (params);
gimp_parallel_distribute_area (&roi, MIN_PARALLEL_SUB_AREA,
[=] (const GeglRectangle *area)
State state;
gint y;
if (Algorithm::n_iterators > 0)
GeglBufferIterator *iter;
iter = gegl_buffer_iterator_empty_new ();
algorithm.init (params, &state, iter, &roi, area);
while (gegl_buffer_iterator_next (iter))
algorithm.init_step (params, &state, iter, &roi, area);
for (y = 0; y < iter->roi[0].height; y++)
algorithm.process_row (params, &state,
iter, &roi, area,
iter->roi[0].y + y);
GeglBufferIterator iter;
iter.roi[0] = *area;
algorithm.init (params, &state, &iter, &roi, area);
algorithm.init_step (params, &state, &iter, &roi, area);
for (y = 0; y < iter.roi[0].height; y++)
algorithm.process_row (params, &state,
&iter, &roi, area,
iter.roi[0].y + y);
params, algorithms, identity<AlgorithmBase> (),
/* combine_paint_mask_to_canvas_mask():
* A convenience wrapper around 'gimp_paint_core_loops_process()', performing
combine_paint_mask_to_canvas_mask (const GimpTempBuf *paint_mask,
gint mask_x_offset,
gint mask_y_offset,
GeglBuffer *canvas_buffer,
gint x_offset,
gint y_offset,
gfloat opacity,
gboolean stipple)
GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams params = {};
params.canvas_buffer = canvas_buffer;
params.paint_buf_offset_x = x_offset;
params.paint_buf_offset_y = y_offset;
params.paint_mask = paint_mask;
params.paint_mask_offset_x = mask_x_offset;
params.paint_mask_offset_y = mask_y_offset;
params.stipple = stipple;
params.paint_opacity = opacity;
gimp_paint_core_loops_process (
/* canvas_buffer_to_paint_buf_alpha():
* A convenience wrapper around 'gimp_paint_core_loops_process()', performing
* just the CANVAS_BUFFER_TO_PAINT_BUF_ALPHA algorithm.
canvas_buffer_to_paint_buf_alpha (GimpTempBuf *paint_buf,
GeglBuffer *canvas_buffer,
gint x_offset,
gint y_offset)
GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams params = {};
params.canvas_buffer = canvas_buffer;
params.paint_buf = paint_buf;
params.paint_buf_offset_x = x_offset;
params.paint_buf_offset_y = y_offset;
gimp_paint_core_loops_process (
/* paint_mask_to_paint_buffer():
* A convenience wrapper around 'gimp_paint_core_loops_process()', performing
* just the PAINT_MASK_TO_PAINT_BUFFER algorithm.
paint_mask_to_paint_buffer (const GimpTempBuf *paint_mask,
gint mask_x_offset,
gint mask_y_offset,
GimpTempBuf *paint_buf,
gfloat paint_opacity)
GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams params = {};
params.paint_buf = paint_buf;
params.paint_mask = paint_mask;
params.paint_mask_offset_x = mask_x_offset;
params.paint_mask_offset_y = mask_y_offset;
params.paint_opacity = paint_opacity;
gimp_paint_core_loops_process (
/* do_layer_blend():
* A convenience wrapper around 'gimp_paint_core_loops_process()', performing
* just the DO_LAYER_BLEND algorithm.
do_layer_blend (GeglBuffer *src_buffer,
GeglBuffer *dst_buffer,
GimpTempBuf *paint_buf,
GeglBuffer *mask_buffer,
gfloat opacity,
gint x_offset,
gint y_offset,
gint mask_x_offset,
gint mask_y_offset,
GimpLayerMode paint_mode)
GimpPaintCoreLoopsParams params = {};
params.paint_buf = paint_buf;
params.paint_buf_offset_x = x_offset;
params.paint_buf_offset_y = y_offset;
params.src_buffer = src_buffer;
params.dest_buffer = dst_buffer;
params.mask_buffer = mask_buffer;
params.mask_offset_x = mask_x_offset;
params.mask_offset_y = mask_y_offset;
params.image_opacity = opacity;
params.paint_mode = paint_mode;
gimp_paint_core_loops_process (
/* mask_components_onto():
* Copies the contents of 'src_buffer' and 'aux_buffer' into 'dst_buffer', over
* 'roi'. Components set in 'mask' are copied from 'aux_buffer', while those
* not set in 'mask' are copied from 'src_buffer'. 'linear_mode' specifies
* whether to iterate over the buffers use a linear format. It should match
* the linear mode of the painted-to drawable, to avoid modifying masked-out
* components.
* Note that we don't integrate this function into the rest of the algorithm
* framework, since it uses a (potentially) different format when iterating
* over the buffers than the rest of the algorithms.
mask_components_onto (GeglBuffer *src_buffer,
GeglBuffer *aux_buffer,
GeglBuffer *dst_buffer,
const GeglRectangle *roi,
GimpComponentMask mask,
gboolean linear_mode)
const Babl *iterator_format;
if (! roi)
roi = gegl_buffer_get_extent (dst_buffer);
if (linear_mode)
iterator_format = babl_format ("RGBA float");
iterator_format = babl_format ("R'G'B'A float");
gimp_parallel_distribute_area (roi, MIN_PARALLEL_SUB_AREA,
[=] (const GeglRectangle *area)
GeglBufferIterator *iter;
iter = gegl_buffer_iterator_new (dst_buffer, area, 0,
gegl_buffer_iterator_add (iter, src_buffer, area, 0,
gegl_buffer_iterator_add (iter, aux_buffer, area, 0,
while (gegl_buffer_iterator_next (iter))
gfloat *dest = (gfloat *)iter->data[0];
gfloat *src = (gfloat *)iter->data[1];
gfloat *aux = (gfloat *)iter->data[2];
glong samples = iter->length;
while (samples--)
dest[RED] = (mask & GIMP_COMPONENT_MASK_RED) ? aux[RED] : src[RED];
dest[GREEN] = (mask & GIMP_COMPONENT_MASK_GREEN) ? aux[GREEN] : src[GREEN];
dest[BLUE] = (mask & GIMP_COMPONENT_MASK_BLUE) ? aux[BLUE] : src[BLUE];
dest[ALPHA] = (mask & GIMP_COMPONENT_MASK_ALPHA) ? aux[ALPHA] : src[ALPHA];
src += 4;
aux += 4;
dest += 4;