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Here is a result List of the "Animated Filtercall" Tests
I tested more than 100 PDB-Procedures and the GAP's _iter_ALT Procedures
on a 3-Layer Testimage with Menu:
<Image>/Filters/Animation/Filter All Layers using "Apply Varying" Button
Testresults (used in Makefile 1.1)
Test with PDB-Procedures (Plugins) that came with
gimp release 1.1.3
and all the generated (or manually changed) _iter_ALT Procedures
+ ... Passed simple "Aplly Varying" Test OK
- ... Failed Test
. ... not tested
REM ... Removed the generated _iter_ALT Procedure
Plugin did not work with last value interface
but it would make sense if Interface would be OK.
Del ... Deleted the generated _iter_ALT Procedure
It does not make sense to call the Plugin
with varying Values
* ... Iter_ALT modified by Hand
State Procedure_name Testnotes
. * Colorify (not part of 1.1.3)
-Del perl_fu_blowinout (not tested, perl )
-Del perl_fu_feedback (not tested, perl )
-Del perl_fu_prep4gif (not tested, perl )
-Del perl_fu_scratches (not tested, perl )
-Del perl_fu_terraltext (not tested, perl )
-Del perl_fu_tex_string_to_float (not tested, perl )
-Del perl_fu_webify (not tested, perl )
-Del perl_fu_windify (not tested, perl )
-Del perl_fu_xach_blocks (not tested, perl )
-Del perl_fu_xach_shadows (not tested, perl )
-Del perl_fu_xachvision (not tested, perl )
- plug_in_CML_explorer
. * plug_in_CentralReflection (not part of 1.1.3)
+ * plug_in_Twist
+ * plug_in_alienmap
.Del plug_in_align_layers
. plug_in_alpha2color (not tested, perl required)
. plug_in_anamorphose (not part of 1.1.3)
.Del plug_in_animationoptimize
.Del plug_in_animationplay
.Del plug_in_animationunoptimize
-REM plug_in_apply_canvas ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_apply_canvas
+ plug_in_applylens
-Del plug_in_autocrop ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_autocrop
-Del plug_in_autostretch_hsv ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_autostretch_hsv
+ plug_in_blinds
+ * plug_in_blur
. * plug_in_blur2 (not part of 1.1.3)
-Del plug_in_blur_randomize ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_blur_randomize
+ plug_in_borderaverage
+ plug_in_bump_map
-Del plug_in_c_astretch ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_c_astretch
+ plug_in_checkerboard
-Del plug_in_color_adjust ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_color_adjust
+ plug_in_color_map
-REM plug_in_colorify ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_colorify
.Del plug_in_compose
+ plug_in_convmatrix
+ plug_in_cubism
.Del plug_in_decompose
.Del plug_in_deinterlace
+ * plug_in_depth_merge
+ * plug_in_despeckle
+ plug_in_destripe
+ plug_in_diffraction
+ plug_in_displace
-Del plug_in_ditherize ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_ditherize (perl)
+ plug_in_edge
+ * plug_in_emboss
. * plug_in_encript (not part of 1.1.3)
+ plug_in_engrave
- * plug_in_exchange (interface changed since 1.0, CRASH: gimp_get_data missing when RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS)
.Del plug_in_export_palette
. * plug_in_figures (not part of 1.1.3)
.Del plug_in_film
-REM plug_in_filter_pack ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_filter_pack
+ plug_in_flame
+ plug_in_flarefx
- * plug_in_fractal_trace OK Button disappeared at press ?????
+ plug_in_gauss_iir
+ plug_in_gauss_rle
.Del plug_in_gfig ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_gfig
. * plug_in_gflare (not part of 1.1.3)
+ plug_in_glasstile
.Del plug_in_gradmap ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_gradmap
+ plug_in_grid
-Del plug_in_guillotine ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_guillotine
. * plug_in_holes (not part of 1.1.3)
-Del plug_in_hot
-Del plug_in_ifs_compose ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_ifs_compose
-Del plug_in_illusion OK Button disappeared at press ?????
.Del plug_in_image_rot270
.Del plug_in_image_rot90
-Del plug_in_iwarp Has No RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS support, (but can animate
+ plug_in_jigsaw
. plug_in_julia (not part of 1.1.3)
-Del plug_in_laplace ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_laplace
.Del plug_in_layer_rot270
.Del plug_in_layer_rot90
.Del plug_in_layers_import
-Del plug_in_lic CRASH + ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_lic
+ * plug_in_lighting
. * plug_in_magic_eye (not part of 1.1.3)
.Del plug_in_mail_image
-Del plug_in_make_seamless ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_make_seamless
. * plug_in_mandelbrot (not part of 1.1.3)
+ * plug_in_map_object see report below:
.Del plug_in_max_rgb
+ * plug_in_maze (interface changed)
+ plug_in_mblur
+ plug_in_mosaic
+ plug_in_newsprint
+ * plug_in_nlfilt
+ plug_in_noisify
-Del plug_in_normalize ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_normalize
+ * plug_in_nova
+ * plug_in_oilify (interface changed)
- * plug_in_pagecurl ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_pagecurl
-Del plug_in_paper_tile OK Button disappeared at press ?????
+ * plug_in_papertile
+ plug_in_pixelize
+ * plug_in_plasma
+ * plug_in_polar_coords (interface changed)
-Del plug_in_qbist
. * plug_in_randomize (not part of 1.1.3)
+ plug_in_randomize_hurl
+ plug_in_randomize_pick
+ plug_in_randomize_slur
. plug_in_refract (not part of 1.1.3)
+ plug_in_ripple
+ plug_in_rotate
+ * plug_in_sample_colorize
+ plug_in_scatter_hsv
.Del plug_in_semiflatten
+ plug_in_sharpen
+ plug_in_shift
+ plug_in_sinus
- plug_in_small_tiles ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_small_tiles
.Del plug_in_smooth_palette
.Del plug_in_sobel
+ * plug_in_solid_noise
+ * plug_in_sparkle
+ plug_in_spread
. plug_in_struc (not part of 1.1.3)
-Del plug_in_the_egg ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_the_egg
-Del plug_in_threshold_alpha ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_threshold_alpha
-Del plug_in_tile
. plug_in_tileit (not part of 1.1.3)
. plug_in_universal_filter (not part of 1.1.3)
+ plug_in_video
-Del plug_in_vinvert ERROR: no stored data found for Key plug_in_vinvert
+ plug_in_vpropagate
. * plug_in_warp (not part of 1.1.3)
+ plug_in_waves
+ plug_in_whirl_pinch
+ plug_in_wind
.Del plug_in_zealouscrop
+ 55 Procedures
- 31 Procedures
. 51 Procedures
plug_in_map_object Testreport:
- The MapObject has an implicite feature:
If the handled layer has NO ALPHA Channel (as backgrounds often do)
and the "Transparent background" is ON
it forces the creation of a new image.
(regardless if the "Create new image" option is on or not)
It took me hours to find out about that feature
that looks more like a bug to me.
I would prefere to add the alpha channel in such a case.
If you want to do animated calls to MapObject ("Apply Varying" Button)
please make sure that the background layer has an Alphachannel
(Open Layers & Channels dialog, and "Add Apha Channel"
to the bg layer)
- If you call MapObject a 2nd time in the same gimp session
gimp will crash if one of the drawables (that were used
in the call) has become invalid.
The BUG is in the GIMP-core Procedure(s)
(in older GIMP releases these Procedures did return -1
on invalid Ids, in Gimp 1.1.3 it comes to a crash
I hope that this Bug will be fixed in gimp 1.2)
older Testresults (used in Makefile 1.0)
with Plugins from the gimp release 0.99.16
Each Plugin listed below was called with varying values.
Some Plugins did not work correct when called in
TEST: + tested OK
* generated code did not work (changed manually)
? not sure if useful
Del Not ueseful, deleted
*? Colorify_iter_ALT (crash at
? plug_in_CML_explorer_iter_ALT
*? plug_in_CentralReflection_iter_ALT (crash at
+* plug_in_Twist_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_alienmap_iter_ALT
Del plug_in_align_layers_iter_ALT
+? plug_in_anamorphose_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_applylens_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_blinds_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_blur2_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_bump_map_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_checkerboard_iter_ALT
Del plug_in_coordmap_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_cubism_iter_ALT
Del plug_in_curtain_iter_ALT
Del plug_in_decompose_iter_ALT
Del plug_in_deinterlace_iter_ALT
+*? plug_in_depth_merge_iter_ALT
+*? plug_in_despeckle_iter_ALT (crash at
+ plug_in_destripe_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_diffraction_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_displace_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_edge_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_emboss_iter_ALT
* plug_in_encript_iter_ALT (crash at noniteractive calls)
+ plug_in_engrave_iter_ALT
*? plug_in_exchange_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_figures_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_fractal_trace_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_gauss_iir_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_gauss_rle_iter_ALT
* plug_in_gflare_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_glasstile_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_grid_iter_ALT
* plug_in_holes_iter_ALT (crash at
+ plug_in_illusion_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_julia_iter_ALT
* plug_in_magic_eye_iter_ALT (crash at
Del plug_in_mail_image_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_mandelbrot_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_map_object_iter_ALT
Del plug_in_max_rgb_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_maze_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_mblur_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_mosaic_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_nlfilt_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_noisify_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_nova_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_oilify_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_paper_tile_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_pixelize_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_plasma_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_polar_coords_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_randomize_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_refract_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_ripple_iter_ALT
? plug_in_rotate_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_scatter_hsv_iter_ALT
? plug_in_sharpen_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_shift_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_sinus_iter_ALT
Del plug_in_sobel_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_solid_noise_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_sparkle_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_spread_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_struc_iter_ALT
? plug_in_tileit_iter_ALT
? plug_in_universal_filter_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_video_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_vpropagate_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_warp_iter_ALT
+ plug_in_waves_iter_ALT
+* plug_in_whirl_pinch_iter_ALT