
364 lines
15 KiB

# Basque translation for The GIMP.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Copyright (C) 2018 gimp's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
# Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio <>, 2018.
# Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022.
msgid ""
msgstr "Project-Id-Version: gimp master\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-22 14:36+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-23 01:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "License Agreement"
msgstr "Lizentzia-kontratua"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Setup built by Jernej Simonèiè,"
msgstr "Windowserako instalatzailearen egilea: Jernej Simonèiè,"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "This version of GIMP requires Windows 7, or a newer version of Windows."
msgstr "GIMPen bertsio honek Windows 7 edo berriagoa behar du."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Development version"
msgstr "Garapenerako bertsioa"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid ""
"This is a development version of GIMP where some features may not be "
"finished, or it may be unstable.%nThis version of GIMP is not intended for "
"day-to-day work as it may be unstable, and you could lose your work.%nIf you "
"encounter any problems, first verify that they haven't already been fixed in "
"GIT before you contact the developers or report it in GIMP gitlab:%n_https://"
" you wish to continue with "
"installation anyway?"
msgstr "Hau GIMP instalatzailearen garapen-bertsio bat da. Ez da instalatzaile egonkorra bezainbeste probatu, eta gerta daiteke GIMPek behar den moduan ez instalatzea.%nMesedez, arazoren bat aurkitzen baduzu, ireki akats-jakinarazpen bat GIMPen gitlab gunean (instalatzailearen atalean): %n_ Dena den, instalazioarekin jarraitu nahi duzu?"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "&amp;Continue"
msgstr "&amp;Jarraitu"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Irten"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid ""
"This version of GIMP requires a processor that supports SSE instructions."
msgstr "GIMP bertsio honek SSE instrukzioak onartzen dituen prozesagailu bat behar du."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Display settings problem"
msgstr "Arazoa monitore-ezarpenekin"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid ""
"Setup has detected that your Windows is not running in 32 bits-per-pixel "
"display mode. This has been known to cause stability problems with GIMP, so "
"it's recommended to change the display colour depth to 32BPP before "
msgstr "Konfigurazioak antzeman du zure Windows sistema exekutatzen den bistaratze modua ez dela 32 bit pixelekoa. Horrela izanik, GIMPek egonkortasun-arazoak izan ditzake. Bistaratzearen kolore-sakonera 32BPP modura aldatzea gomendatzen dugu, aurrera jarraitu baino lehen."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "E&amp;xit"
msgstr "I&amp;rten"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid ""
"GIMP is now ready to be installed. Click the Install now button to install "
"using the default settings, or click the Customize button if you'd like to "
"have more control over what gets installed."
msgstr "GIMP instalatzeko prest dago. Sakatu 'Instalatu orain' botoia ezarpen lehenetsiak erabilita instalatzeko, edo sakatu 'Pertsonalizatu' botoia instalazioaren gaineko kontrol gehiago izan nahi baduzu."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "&amp;Install"
msgstr "&amp;Instalatu"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "&amp;Customize"
msgstr "&amp;Pertsonalizatu"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Compact installation"
msgstr "Instalazio trinkoa"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Custom installation"
msgstr "Instalazio pertsonalizatua"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Full installation"
msgstr "Instalazio osoa"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Azalpena"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "GIMP"
msgstr "GIMP"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "GIMP and all default plug-ins"
msgstr "GIMP eta plugin lehenetsi guztiak"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Run-time libraries"
msgstr "Exekuzio-garaiko liburutegiak"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Run-time libraries used by GIMP, including GTK Run-time Environment"
msgstr "GIMPek erabiltzen dituen exekuzio-garaiko liburutegiak, GTK exekuzio-garaiko ingurunea barne"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Debug symbols"
msgstr "Arazketa-ikurrak"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Include information to help with debugging GIMP"
msgstr "Sartu informazioa GIMP arazten laguntzeko"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "MS-Windows engine for GTK"
msgstr "MS-Windows motorra GTK liburutegietarako"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Native Windows look for GIMP"
msgstr "Windowsen berezko itxura GIMPerako"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Support for old plug-ins"
msgstr "Plugin zaharren euskarria"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Install libraries needed by old third-party plug-ins"
msgstr "Instalatu hirugarrenen plugin zaharrek behar dituzten liburutegiak"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "Itzulpenak"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Python scripting"
msgstr "Python scriptgintza"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Allows you to use GIMP plugins written in Python scripting language."
msgstr "Python script-hizkuntzan idatzitako GIMP pluginak erabiltzea ahalbidetzen du."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Lua scripting"
msgstr "Lua scriptgintza"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Allows you to use GIMP plugins written in Lua scripting language."
msgstr "Lua script-hizkuntzan idatzitako GIMP pluginak erabiltzea ahalbidetzen du."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "MyPaint brushes"
msgstr "MyPaint brotxak"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Install the default set of MyPaint brushes"
msgstr "Instalatu MyPaint brotxen multzo lehenetsia"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "PostScript support"
msgstr "PostScript euskarria"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Allow GIMP to load PostScript files"
msgstr "Onartu GIMPek PostScript fitxategiak karga ditzan"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Support for 32-bit plug-ins"
msgstr "32 biteko pluginetarako euskarria"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid ""
"Include files necessary for using 32-bit plug-ins.%nRequired for Python "
msgstr "Sartu 32 biteko pluginak erabiltzeko behar diren fitxategiak.%nDerrigorrezkoa Python euskarria izan nahi bada."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Additional icons:"
msgstr "Ikono gehigarriak:"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Create a &amp;desktop icon"
msgstr "Sortu &amp;mahaigaineko ikonoa"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Create a &amp;Quick Launch icon"
msgstr "Sortu a&amp;biatze azkarreko ikonoa"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Remove previous GIMP version"
msgstr "Kendu aurreko GIMP bertsioa"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid ""
"There was a problem updating GIMP's environment in %1. If you get any errors "
"loading the plug-ins, try uninstalling and re-installing GIMP."
msgstr "Arazoa izan da %1(e)ko GIMP ingurunea eguneratzean. Pluginak kargatzean errorerik jasotzen baduzu, saiatu GIMP desinstalatu eta berriro instalatzen."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Error extracting temporary data."
msgstr "Errorea behin behineko datuak erauztean."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Error updating Python interpreter info."
msgstr "Errorea Python interpretatzailearen informazioa eguneratzean."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Error updating MyPaint brushes info."
msgstr "Errorea MyPaint brotxen informazioa eguneratzean."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "There was an error updating %1."
msgstr "Errorea izan da %1 eguneratzean."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "There was an error updating GIMP's configuration file %1."
msgstr "Errorea izan da GIMPen %1 konfigurazio-fitxategia eguneratzean."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Edit with GIMP"
msgstr "Editatu GIMPekin"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Select file associations"
msgstr "Hautatu fitxategi-elkartzeak"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Extensions:"
msgstr "Luzapenak:"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Select the file types you wish to associate with GIMP"
msgstr "Hautatu GIMPekin lotu nahi dituzun fitxategi motak"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid ""
"This will make selected files open in GIMP when you double-click them in "
msgstr "Horri esker, hautatutako fitxategiak GIMPen irekiko dira, Windowsen arakatzailean haien gainean klik bikoitza egiten denean."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Select &amp;All"
msgstr "Hautatu &amp;dena"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Unselect &amp;All"
msgstr "Desautatu &amp;dena"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Select &amp;Unused"
msgstr "Hautatu &amp;erabili gabeak"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "File types to associate with GIMP:"
msgstr "GIMPekin lotuko diren fitxategi motak:"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Removing previous version of GIMP:"
msgstr "GIMPen aurreko bertsioa kentzen:"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid ""
"GIMP %1 cannot be installed over your currently installed GIMP version, and "
"the automatic uninstall of old version has failed.%n%nPlease remove the "
"previous version of GIMP yourself before installing this version in %2, or "
"choose a Custom install, and select a different installation folder.%n%nThe "
"Setup will now exit."
msgstr "GIMP %1 ezin da instalatu orain instalatuta duzun GIMP bertsioaren gainean, eta bertsio zaharraren desinstalazio automatikoak huts egin du.%n%nKendu GIMP bertsio zaharra eskuz, bertsio hau %2 karpetan instalatu baino lehen, edo aukeratu 'Instalazio pertsonalizatua', eta hautatu instalaziorako beste karpeta bat.%n%nKonfigurazioa itxi egingo da orain."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid ""
"GIMP %1 cannot be installed over your currently installed GIMP version, and "
"Setup couldn't determine how to remove the old version automatically.%n"
"%nPlease remove the previous version of GIMP and any add-ons yourself before "
"installing this version in %2, or choose a Custom install, and select a "
"different installation folder.%n%nThe Setup will now exit."
msgstr "GIMP %1 ezin da instalatu orain instalatuta duzun GIMP bertsioaren gainean, eta ezin da zehaztu bertsio zaharra automatikoki nola desinstalatu.%n%nKendu GIMP bertsio zaharra eta beste edozein hedapen eskuz, bertsio hau %2 karpetan instalatu baino lehen, edo aukeratu 'Instalazio pertsonalizatua', eta hautatu instalaziorako beste karpeta bat.%n%nKonfigurazioa itxi egingo da orain."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid ""
"Previous GIMP version was removed successfully, but Windows has to be "
"restarted before the Setup can continue.%n%nAfter restarting your computer, "
"Setup will continue next time an administrator logs in."
msgstr "GIMP bertsio zaharra ongi kendu da, baina Windows berrabiarazi egin behar da konfigurazioarekin aurrera jarraitu baino lehen.%n%nOrdenagailua berrabiarazi ondoren, konfigurazioak aurrera jarraituko du administratzaile batek saioa hasten duen hurrengoan."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "There was an error restarting the Setup. (%1)"
msgstr "Errorea izan da konfigurazioa berrabiaraztean. (%1)"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Cleaning up old files..."
msgstr "Fitxategi zaharrak garbitzen..."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Remember: GIMP is Free Software.%n%nPlease visit"
msgstr "Gogoan izan: GIMP software librea da.%n%nIkusi"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "for free updates."
msgstr "eguneraketa libreak eskuratzeko."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Setting up file associations..."
msgstr "Fitxategi-elkartzeak konfiguratzen..."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Setting up environment for GIMP Python extension..."
msgstr "GIMP Python hedapenerako ingurunea konfiguratzen..."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Setting up MyPaint brushes..."
msgstr "MyPaint brotxak konfiguratzen..."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Setting up GIMP environment..."
msgstr "GIMP ingurunea konfiguratzen..."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Setting up GIMP configuration for 32-bit plug-in support..."
msgstr "GIMP 32 biteko pluginak onar ditzan konfiguratzen..."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Launch GIMP"
msgstr "Abiarazi GIMP"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Removing add-on"
msgstr "Gehigarria kentzen"
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid "Internal error (%1)."
msgstr "Barne-errorea (%1)."
#: build/windows/installer/lang/
msgid ""
"GIMP does not appear to be installed in the selected directory. Continue "
msgstr "Ez dirudi GIMP hautatutako direktorioan instalatuta dagoenik. Jarraitu hala ere?"
#~ msgid "E&xit"
#~ msgstr "I&rten"
#~ msgid "GIMP%n%nDo you wish to continue with installation anyway?"
#~ msgstr "GIMP%n%nDena den, instalazioarekin jarraitu nahi duzu?"