
196 lines
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; Test methods of palette subclass of Resource class
; !!! See also resource.scm
; !!! Testing depends on a fresh install of GIMP.
; A prior testing failure may leave palettees in GIMP.
; The existing palette may have the same name as hard coded in tests.
; In future, will be possible to create new palette with same name as existing.
; setup, not assert
; but tests the -new method
(define testNewPalette (gimp-palette-new "testNewPalette"))
(test! "attributes of new palette")
; gimp-palette-get-background deprecated => gimp-context-get-background
; ditto foreground
; new palette has given name
; !!! Fails if not a fresh install, then name is like "testNewPalette #2"
(assert `(string=?
(gimp-resource-get-name ,testNewPalette)
; new palette has zero colors
(assert `(= (gimp-palette-get-color-count ,testNewPalette)
; new palette has empty colormap
; v2 returns (0 #())
; v3 returns #()
(assert `(= (vector-length (gimp-palette-get-colors ,testNewPalette))
(test! "new palette has zero columns")
; procedure returns just the column count
(assert `(= (gimp-palette-get-columns ,testNewPalette)
; new palette is-editable
; method on Resource class
(assert `(gimp-resource-is-editable ,testNewPalette))
; can set new palette in context
; Despite having empty colormap
; returns void
(assert `(gimp-context-set-palette ,testNewPalette))
(test! "attributes of existing palette named Bears")
; setup
(define testBearsPalette (gimp-palette-get-by-name "Bears"))
; Max size palette is 256
; Bears palette has 256 colors
(assert `(= (gimp-palette-get-color-count ,testBearsPalette)
; Bears palette colormap array is size 256 vector of 3-tuple lists
; v2 get_colors returns (256 #((8 8 8) ... ))
; v3 returns #((8 8 8) ... )
(assert `(= (vector-length (gimp-palette-get-colors ,testBearsPalette))
; Bears palette has zero column count
; The procedure returns a count, and not the columns
(assert `(= (gimp-palette-get-columns ,testBearsPalette)
; system palette is not editable
; returns #f
(assert `(not (gimp-resource-is-editable ,testBearsPalette)))
; setting attributes of existing palette
; Can not change column count on system palette
(assert-error `(gimp-palette-set-columns ,testBearsPalette 1)
"Procedure execution of gimp-palette-set-columns failed")
; add entry to full system palette
; error to add entry to palette which is non-editable and has full colormap
(assert-error `(gimp-palette-add-entry ,testBearsPalette "fooEntryName" "red")
"Procedure execution of gimp-palette-add-entry failed ")
; setting attributes of new palette
; succeeds
(assert `(gimp-palette-set-columns ,testNewPalette 1))
; effective
(assert `(= (gimp-palette-get-columns ,testNewPalette)
(test! "adding color entry to new palette")
; add first entry returns index 0
; v2 result is wrapped (0)
(assert `(= (gimp-palette-add-entry ,testNewPalette "fooEntryName" "red")
; was effective: color is as given when entry created
; v3 returns (255 0 0)
(assert `(equal? (gimp-palette-entry-get-color ,testNewPalette 0)
(list 255 0 0))) ; red
; was effective on name
(assert `(string=? (gimp-palette-entry-get-name ,testNewPalette 0)
(test! "delete colormap entry")
; succeeds
; FIXME: the name seems backward, could be entry-delete
; returns void
(assert `(gimp-palette-delete-entry ,testNewPalette 0))
; effective, color count is back to 0
(assert `(= (gimp-palette-get-color-count ,testNewPalette)
; adding color "entry" to new palette which is full
; TODO locked palette? See issue about locking palette?
(test! "delete palette")
; can delete a new palette
(assert `(gimp-resource-delete ,testNewPalette))
; delete was effective
; ID is now invalid
(assert `(not (gimp-resource-id-is-palette ,testNewPalette)))
; delete was effective
; not findable by name anymore
; If the name DOES exist (because not started fresh) yields "substring out of bounds"
; Formerly returned error, now returns NULL i.e. -1
;(assert-error `(gimp-palette-get-by-name "testNewPalette")
; "Procedure execution of gimp-palette-get-by-name failed on invalid input arguments: Palette 'testNewPalette' not found")
(assert `(= (gimp-palette-get-by-name "testNewPalette")
; see context.scm
; test deprecated methods
; These should give warnings in Gimp Error Console.
; Now they are methods on Context, not Palette.
;(gimp-palettes-set-palette testBearsPalette)
;(gimp-palette-set-foreground "pink")
;(gimp-palette-set-background "purple")