mirror of https://github.com/GNOME/gimp.git
193 lines
8.3 KiB
193 lines
8.3 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
# Parameters
param ($revision = '0',
$BUILD_DIR = "$GIMP_BASE\_build",
$GIMP32 = 'gimp-x86',
$GIMP64 = 'gimp-x64',
$GIMPA64 = 'gimp-a64')
# This script needs a bit of MSYS2 to work
Invoke-Expression ((Get-Content build\windows\1_build-deps-msys2.ps1 | Select-String 'MSYS2_PREFIX =' -Context 0,17) -replace '> ','')
Write-Output "(INFO): installing Inno"
## Download Inno
## (We need to ensure that TLS 1.2 is enabled because of some runners)
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Invoke-WebRequest https://jrsoftware.org/download.php/is.exe -OutFile ..\is.exe
## Install or Update Inno
Wait-Process is
$inno_version = Get-ItemProperty (Resolve-Path Registry::'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Inno Setup*') | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayVersion
#$inno_version = (Get-Item ..\is.exe).VersionInfo.ProductVersion
Remove-Item ..\is.exe
Write-Output "(INFO): Installed Inno: $inno_version"
## Get Inno install path
$INNO_PATH = Get-ItemProperty (Resolve-Path Registry::'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Inno Setup*') | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InstallLocation
#$INNO_PATH = [regex]::Matches((Get-Content ..\innosetup.log | Select-String ISCC.exe), '(?<=filename: ).+?(?=\\ISCC.exe)').Value
Set-Alias iscc "$INNO_PATH\iscc.exe"
$CONFIG_PATH = "$BUILD_DIR\config.h"
if (-not (Test-Path "$CONFIG_PATH"))
Write-Host "(ERROR): config.h file not found. You can run 'build/windows/2_build-gimp-msys2.ps1' or configure GIMP to generate it.'" -ForegroundColor red
exit 1
## Get AppVer (GIMP version as we use on Inno)
### AppVer without revision
$gimp_version = Get-Content "$CONFIG_PATH" | Select-String 'GIMP_VERSION' |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace '#define GIMP_VERSION "',''} | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace '"',''}
$APPVER = $gimp_version
### Revisioned AppVer
if ($CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE -ne 'schedule' -and $GIMP_CI_WIN_INSTALLER -and $GIMP_CI_WIN_INSTALLER -match '[0-9]')
Write-Host "(WARNING): The revision is being made on CI, more updated deps than necessary may be packaged." -ForegroundColor yellow
if ($revision -ne '0')
$APPVER = "$gimp_version.$revision"
Write-Output "(INFO): GIMP version: $APPVER"
## FIXME: Our Inno scripts can't construct an one-arch installer
$supported_archs = "$GIMP32","$GIMP64","$GIMPA64"
foreach ($bundle in $supported_archs)
if (-not (Test-Path "$bundle"))
Write-Host "(ERROR): $bundle bundle not found. You need all the three archs bundles to make the installer." -ForegroundColor red
if ((-not (Test-Path "$GIMP32")) -or (-not (Test-Path "$GIMP64")) -or (-not (Test-Path "$GIMPA64")))
exit 1
Write-Output "(INFO): Arch: universal (x86, x64 and arm64)"
## Custom installer strings translations and other assets
## (They are loaded with '-DBUILD_DIR')
if (-not (Test-Path "$BUILD_DIR\build\windows\installer"))
Write-Host "(ERROR): Installer assets not found. You can tweak 'build/windows/2_build-gimp-msys2.ps1' or configure GIMP with '-Dwindows-installer=true' to build them." -ForegroundColor red
exit 1
## Download Official translations not present in a Inno release yet
#Write-Output "(INFO): downloading Official Inno lang files (not present in a release yet)"
#function download_lang_official ([string]$langfile)
# Invoke-WebRequest https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jrsoftware/issrc/main/Files/Languages/$langfile -OutFile "$INNO_PATH/Languages/$langfile"
## Download unofficial translations (of unknown quality and maintenance)
## Cf. https://jrsoftware.org/files/istrans/
Write-Output "(INFO): downloading unofficial Inno lang files"
New-Item "$INNO_PATH/Languages/Unofficial/" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
$xmlObject = New-Object XML
$langsArray = $xmlObject.iso_639_entries.iso_639_entry |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty inno_code | Where-Object { $_ -like "*Unofficial*" }
foreach ($langfile in $langsArray)
$langfileUnix = $langfile.Replace('\\', '/')
Invoke-WebRequest https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jrsoftware/issrc/main/Files/$langfileUnix -OutFile "$INNO_PATH/$langfileUnix"
## Patch 'AppVer*' against Inno pervasive behavior: https://groups.google.com/g/innosetup/c/w0sebw5YAeg
Write-Output "(INFO): patching Official and unofficial Inno lang files with $APPVER"
function fix_msg ([string]$langsdir)
#Prefer MSYS2 since PowerShell/.NET doesn't handle well files with mixed encodings
Copy-Item $GIMP_BASE/build/windows/installer/lang/fix_msg.sh $langsdir
Set-Location $langsdir
(Get-Content fix_msg.sh) | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "AppVer","$APPVER"} |
Set-Content fix_msg.sh
bash fix_msg.sh
Remove-Item fix_msg.sh
Set-Location $GIMP_BASE
#$langsArray_local = Get-ChildItem *.isl -Name
#foreach ($langfile in $langsArray_local)
# $msg = Get-Content $langfile
# $linenumber = $msg | Select-String 'SetupWindowTitle' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LineNumber
# $msg | ForEach-Object { If ($_.ReadCount -eq $linenumber) {$_ -Replace "%1", "%1 $AppVer"} Else {$_} } |
# Set-Content "$langfile" -Encoding UTF8
# $msg = Get-Content $langfile
# $linenumber = $msg | Select-String 'UninstallAppFullTitle' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LineNumber
# $msg | ForEach-Object { If ($_.ReadCount -eq $linenumber) {$_ -Replace "%1", "%1 $AppVer"} Else {$_} } |
# Set-Content "$langfile" -Encoding UTF8
fix_msg $INNO_PATH
fix_msg $INNO_PATH\Languages
fix_msg $INNO_PATH\Languages\Unofficial
## Get GIMP versions used in some versioned files and dirs
$gimp_app_version = Get-Content "$CONFIG_PATH" | Select-String 'GIMP_APP_VERSION "' |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace '#define GIMP_APP_VERSION "',''} | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace '"',''}
$gimp_api_version = Get-Content "$CONFIG_PATH" | Select-String 'GIMP_PKGCONFIG_VERSION' |
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace '#define GIMP_PKGCONFIG_VERSION "',''} | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace '"',''}
## GIMP revision on about dialog (this does the same as '-Drevision' build option)
## FIXME: This should be done with Inno scripting
foreach ($bundle in $supported_archs)
(Get-Content "$bundle\share\gimp\*\gimp-release") | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "revision=0","revision=$revision"} |
Set-Content "$bundle\share\gimp\*\gimp-release"
## Split .debug symbols
Write-Output "(INFO): extracting .debug symbols from bundles"
bash build/windows/installer/3_dist-gimp-inno_sym.sh | Out-Null
Write-Output "(INFO): constructing $INSTALLER installer"
## Compile installer
Set-Location build\windows\installer
iscc -DGIMP_VERSION="$gimp_version" -DREVISION="$revision" -DGIMP_APP_VERSION="$gimp_app_version" -DGIMP_API_VERSION="$gimp_api_version" -DBUILD_DIR="$BUILD_DIR" -DGIMP_DIR="$GIMP_BASE" -DDIR32="$GIMP32" -DDIR64="$GIMP64" -DDIRA64="$GIMPA64" -DDEPS_DIR="$GIMP_BASE" -DDDIR32="$GIMP32" -DDDIR64="$GIMP64" -DDDIRA64="$GIMPA64" -DDEBUG_SYMBOLS -DPYTHON base_gimp3264.iss | Out-Null
Set-Location $GIMP_BASE
## Clean changes in the bundles
foreach ($bundle in $supported_archs)
(Get-Content "$bundle\share\gimp\*\gimp-release") | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "revision=$revision","revision=0"} |
Set-Content "$bundle\share\gimp\*\gimp-release"
# GitLab doesn't support wildcards when using "expose_as" so let's move to a dir
$output_dir = 'build\windows\installer\_Output'
New-Item $output_dir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Move-Item $GIMP_BASE\$INSTALLER $output_dir
# Generate checksums
Write-Output "(INFO): generating checksums for $INSTALLER"
Get-FileHash $output_dir\$INSTALLER -Algorithm SHA256 | Out-File $output_dir\$INSTALLER.SHA256SUMS
Get-FileHash $output_dir\$INSTALLER -Algorithm SHA512 | Out-File $output_dir\$INSTALLER.SHA512SUMS