mirror of https://github.com/GNOME/gimp.git
56 lines
1.8 KiB
56 lines
1.8 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
if (-not $GITLAB_CI)
# Make the script work locally
if (-not (Test-Path build\windows) -and -not (Test-Path 2_build-gimp-msys2.ps1 -Type Leaf) -or $PSScriptRoot -notlike "*build\windows*")
Write-Host '(ERROR): Script called from wrong dir. Please, read: https://developer.gimp.org/core/setup/build/windows/' -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
elseif (Test-Path 2_build-gimp-msys2.ps1 -Type Leaf)
Set-Location ..\..
git submodule update --init
# Install the required (pre-built) packages for babl, GEGL and GIMP (again)
Invoke-Expression ((Get-Content build\windows\1_build-deps-msys2.ps1 | Select-String 'MSYS2_PREFIX =' -Context 0,17) -replace '> ','')
Invoke-Expression ((Get-Content build\windows\1_build-deps-msys2.ps1 | Select-String 'PACMAN_CONF =' -Context 0,7) -replace '> ','')
# Prepare env
if (-not $GITLAB_CI)
if (-not $GIMP_PREFIX)
#FIXME:'gimpenv' have buggy code about Windows paths
$GIMP_PREFIX = "$PWD\..\_install".Replace('\', '/')
Invoke-Expression ((Get-Content .gitlab-ci.yml | Select-String 'env:Path \+' -Context 0,3) -replace '> ','' -replace '- ','')
# Build GIMP
if (-not (Test-Path _build\build.ninja -Type Leaf))
meson setup _build -Dprefix="$GIMP_PREFIX" -Dgi-docgen=disabled -Djavascript=disabled -Dvala=disabled `
-Ddirectx-sdk-dir="$MSYS2_PREFIX/$MSYSTEM_PREFIX" -Denable-default-bin=enabled `
-Dbuild-id='org.gimp.GIMP_official' $INSTALLER_OPTION $STORE_OPTION
Set-Location _build
ninja install
ccache --show-stats
Set-Location ..